Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v3p2.djvu/385

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boarded two of the vessels, under a most tremendous fire from the shore, bringing them out, notwithstanding the enemy had taken the precaution to unbend their sails. Our loss has, I am concerned to say, been considerable. Lieutenant Coote has received a most desperate wound in the head, winch has deprived him of his eye-sight; one midshipman (George Sayer) was wounded by a musket-ball in the log; two men were killed, and eight more wounded. The privateer made her escape under cover of the darkness of the night. I have the honor to be, &c.

(Signed)W. Selby.”

To the Hon. Sir Alex. I. Cochrane,
&c. &c. &c.

On the 22d May 1807, Commander Coote was granted a pension, the present amount of which is 400l. per annum.


Was made a lieutenant in 1/83, and promoted to the rank of commander, Nov. 20th, 1807, for his gallant defence of the Louisa tender, a vessel mounting only four 3-pounders, with a complement of eighteen men, against a French privateer of fourteen guns, by which he was attacked on the 28th Sept. preceding. He obtained the out-pension of Greenwich Hospital, Jan. 14th, 1826; and died in the year 1820.


Was made a lieutenant in 1800, and received the Turkish gold medal for his subsequent services in Egypt. His commission as commander bears date Dec. 4th, 1807, at which period he was employed in the West Indies.


Served with great credit under Captain Lord Cochrane; obtained the rank of commander Dec. 16th, 1807, a pension for the loss of the use of his limbs by a fall, April 20th, 1810 (at which period he held an appointment in the Wexford district of Sea-Fencibles); and the out-pension of Greenwich Hospital, June 23d, 1824. He died in 1829.