Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v3p2.djvu/429

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cer of his rank employed in flat-bottomed boats during the Walcheren expedition. On the termination of that service, he was removed to the Princess Caroline 74, Captain Charles Dudley Pater; under whom he was serving, in the Gulf of Finland, when promoted to his present rank, Oct. 21st, 1810. Since that period he has most reluctantly continued on half-pay.

This officer married in Mar. 1810, and has issue three sons and two daughters. His grandfather died first lieutenant of the Cumberland 66, bearing the broad pendant of Commodore Pocock, on the East India station, in 1755. His paternal uncle, James Young, Esq. was a lieutenant-colonel of marines: and his brother. Lieutenant John James Young, R.N. died afloat in the year 1796.


Obtained a lieutenant’s commission in 1796; and commanded the Bouncer and Havock, gun-brigs, between 1801 and 1810. He was promoted to his present rank on the 21st October in the latter year; appointed to the Imogene sloop, Oct. 7th, 1813; and employed in the Ordinary at Portsmouth between 1825 and 1828. His eldest son, a midshipman of the Hyperion frigate, was drowned off Monte Video, Jan. 6th, 1820.


Was made a lieutenant in 1796; promoted to his present rank, whilst serving as first of the Venerable 74, Oct. 21st, 1810; and appointed to the Ordinary at Portsmouth, in 1822.


Was made a lieutenant in 1797, and commander Oct. 21st, 1810.