Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v3p2.djvu/433

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time to witness the demolition of Cherbourgh, by the forces under Lieutenant-General Bligh and Commodore Howe, in August, 1758[1]. He was likewise present, and behaved well, at the battle between Hawke and De Conflans, near Quiberon, Nov. 20th, 1759. After attaining the rank of lieutenant, we find him proceeding to Newfoundland, in the Guernsey 50, bearing the broad pendant of Commodore Hugh Palliser, by whom he was appointed to the command of a cutter on that station, in 1766. About four years afterwards, he went on half-pay, and began to write political pamphlets. In 1775, he became major of the Nottingham militia; and in the following year, declined serving at sea under Lord Howe, because he disapproved of the American war. On account of his repeated attendance at seditious meetings, his right of succession to the vacant lieutenant-colonelcy of the above regiment was, on five successive occasions, set aside by the Duke of Newcastle, then lord-lieutenant of the county; and he was at length finally dismissed from that corps, in 1792. From this period, down to the day of his death, in 1824, he was continually before the eye of the public, as the most indefatigable of all the preachers of radical reform, annual parliaments, and universal suffrage. It is a singular fact, that, on the 25th Oct. 1809, nearly forty years after he had quitted the navy, this gentleman’s promotion to the rank of commander was announced in the London Gazette. We shall here give a list of the principal of his printed works, which, exclusive of innumerable contributions to newspapers and magazines, amount to at least fifty volumes octavo.

“American Independence the Interest and Glory of Great Britain,” 8vo. 1774. – “A Letter to Edmund Burke, Esq. controverting the Principles of Government laid down in his Speech of April 9th, 1774,” 8vo. 1775. – “Take your Choice, Representation and Respect, Imposition and Contempt, Annual Parliaments and Liberty, Long Pariiaments and Slavery,” 8vo. 1776, (reprinted in 1777, under the title of, “The Legislative Rights of the Commonalty Vindicated.”) – “A Letter to the Earl of Abingdon,