Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v3p2.djvu/468

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addenda to captains of 1828.

(See p. 22.)
[Captain of 1825.]

Was born at London, June 18th, 1790; and entered the navy, in Sept. 1803, as midshipman on board the Phaeton frigate, Captain (now Sir George) Cockburn, whom he followed into the Howe 38, on the East India station, in June 1805. We next find him serving under Sir Thomas Lavie, in the Blanche 38, and subsequently under Captains Cockburn and Sir Richard King, in the Captain and Achille, seventy-fours. In 1808, he joined the Pompée; and in 1809, the Belleisle then at Martinique, and about to return home in charge of the late French garrison. Together with his first commission he received a letter of thanks from Rear-Admiral Sir Richard G. Keats, for his conduct during the operations against Flushing and up the Scheldt. In 1810, he served as lieutenant of the Fleche and Myrtle, sloops, commanded by Captains George Hewson and Clement Sneyd. In 1811, he joined the Grampus 50, bearing the broad pendant of Commodore Cockburn; and in 1812, he removed with that officer, then a Rear-Admiral, into the Marlborough 74.

Captain Scott never joined the Thistle; but he commanded the Meteor bomb, from May to October 1824. His wife is the only child of the late Richard Donovan, Esq. (mentioned in p. 23), by Caroline Elizabeth Yate, only grand-child of Robert G. Dobyns Yate, of Bromesberrow Place, co. Gloucester, and the last descendant of the ancient families of Yate, Baun, and Dobyns. He has one son and one daughter.