Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v3p2.djvu/87

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captains of 1828.

This officer married, Nov. 16th, 1815, Sarah, eldest daughter of W. Watkins, of Hereford, Esq. and has issue two sons and three daughters. His eldest boy, Edward Watkins Bennett, served as volunteer of the first class on board the Trinculo, under his command.

Captain Bennett’s sister is the wife of the Rev. Walter Williams, of Brecon.

Agent[errata 1].– William M‘Inerheny, Esq.

[Captain of 1828.]

Obtained his first commission on the 12th Dec. 1807; served as a lieutenant of Lord Exmouth’s flag-ship at the battle of Algiers; and was rewarded for his distinguished bravery on that memorable occasion by promotion to the rank of commander, Sept. 10th, 1816. His next appointment was, Oct. 20th, 1826, to the Pelorus sloop, which he continued to command, on the Mediterranean station, until advanced to the rank of captain, Sept. 17th, 1828.

Agents.– Sir F. M. Ommanney and Son.

[Captain of 1828.]

Was made a lieutenant on the 11th April 1806; and commanded the boarders of the Diana frigate, Captain William Ferris, at the capture of the French national brig Teaser, near the mouth of the Gironde, Aug. 25th, 1811. He subsequently served in the Armada 74, Captain Charles Grant, and Boyne 98, bearing the flag of Lord Exmouth. On the 7th Nov. 1810, he was promoted to the rank of commander; and in July 1825, appointed to the Dispatch sloop, fitting out for the Irish station, where he captured a smuggling lugger, under French colours, with 400 bales of tobacco on board. His commission as captain bears date Nov. 11th, 1828.

Agent.– J. Copland, Esq.


  1. Correction: Agent should be amended to Agents