Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p1.djvu/173

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In effecting the destruction of the enemy’s signal posts, the Pallas had two seamen and one marine slightly wounded. In her gallant action with the French frigate and brigs, one marine killed, one midshipman, Mr. Andrews, very badly wounded, and four seamen slightly. In a former despatch, when reporting the capture of la Tapageuse corvette, and the destruction of three other French national vessels, her heroic captain informed Vice-Admiral Thornbrougb, that “the absence of Lieutenant Mapleton was to be regretted, as he would have gloried in the expedition with the boats.”

From the Pallas, Mr. Mapleton followed Lord Cochrane into the Imperieuse 38; and on the 6th Jan. 1807, we find him volunteering his services to bring out with her boats whatever vessels might be found in the basin of Arcasson. “As a preliminary step,” says his lordship, “he attacked Fort Roquette, which was intended for the defence of the entrance. A large quantity of military stores was destroyed, four 36-pounders, two field-pieces, and a thirteen -inch mortar were spiked, the platoons and carriages burnt, and the fort laid in ruins. The Hon. William John Napier and Mr. Houston Stewart, midshipmen, accompanied Lieutenant Mapleton; and Mr. Gilbert, the surgeon’s first assistant, embraced the opportunity to shew his zeal even in this affair, so foreign to his profession. I am happy to add, that as it was well conducted, so it was accomplished without any loss.”

Between Dec. 15th, 1806, and Jan. 7th, 1807, Lieutenant Mapleton assisted at the capture and destruction of three French transports and twelve merchant vessels, the latter laden with wine, resin, butter, cheese, &c.

During the summer of 1807, the Imperieuse cruised off Best, under the pro-tempore command of Captain Alexander Skene. On the 12th Sept. in the same year. Lord Cochrane having then re-joined her, she sailed from Portsmouth, with the Mediterranean trade in company. On the 31st July, 1808, the castle of Mongat, an important post, commanding a pass in the road from Barcelona to Gerona, was taken possession of by her marines; and 71 French soldiers, including