Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p1.djvu/428

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Obtained a lieutenant’s commission on the 19th Mar. 1805; commanded the boats of the Meleager frigate, Captain John Broughton, at the capture of le Renard, French privateer, mounting one long six-pounder, with a complement of 47 men, off St. Iago de Cuba, Feb. 8th, 1808; and subsequently served under Captains Lucius Curtis and the Hon. T. B. Capel, in the Magicienne frigate and la Hogue 74. He was acting commander of the Chanticleer sloop, at the reduction of Guadaloupe, by the forces under Sir James Leith and Sir Philip C. Durham, in Aug. 1815; and advanced to his present rank on the 9th Oct. following.


Was a midshipman on board the Caesar 80, Captain Sir Richard J. Strachan, at the capture of four French line-of-battle ships, under Mons. Dumanoir le Pelley, Nov. 4th, 1805. He obtained the rank of lieutenant on the 22d of the same month; served as such in the Venerable 74, Captain Sir Home Popham, during the Walcheren expedition; and, subsequently, as first of the Pembroke 74, Captain James Brisbane, on the Channel and Mediterranean stations. The manner in which the latter ship was employed will be seen by reference to Vol. II. Part I. p. 409 et seq. This officer was advanced to his present rank on the 10th Oct. 1815. He married in June, 1822, Mary, second daughter of the late Mr. Peter Goodman Glubb, of Liskeard, co. Cornwall.


Passed his examination in Oct. 1809; obtained a lieutenant’s commission on the 13th Aug. 1810; served during the remainder of the war in the Berwick 74. latterly commanded by Captain Edward Brace, on the Mediterranean station; and was promoted to his present rank Oct. 10th, 1816.