Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p1.djvu/90

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way, and his legs getting entangled, he was carried half-way up to the main-yard, from which height he fell, but providentially alighted upon the back of a sheep in the launch, from whence he was carried below with the blood running out of his shoes, receiving, as he crossed the quarter-deck, the following salute from the captain of marines, a very gallant and good officer, as well as a most worthy man:– “I don’t care a d___n for your legs, you shall pay for the sheep you have killed!” Secondly, when unshipping the rudder, he incautiously stepped across the hawser, in order to give some necessary orders, and had scarcely done so when the lashing of the block through which it was passed gave way: – had he been but a single moment later, so violent was the force with which the block struck the beams, that he must inevitably have been crushed to pieces.

On the 29th Aug. 1812, Lieutenant Hole was promoted, by Sir Edward Pellew, to the command of the Badger sloop, in which vessel he captured l’Aventure, French privateer, of two guns and twenty-eight men, Oct. 30th, 1813. Previous to his joining her, he acted for about two months as captain of the Resistance frigate. His subsequent appointments were to the Guadaloupe and Pelorus, sloops, which latter he left, in consequence of ill-health, in Nov. 1814. We should here observe, that the Badger, owing to her having had communication with Malta, during the prevalence of the plague in that island, was never once admitted to pratique for the long space of 337 days.

Commander Hole is married, but has no issue. One of his brothers, Lewis, obtained post rank in Dec. 1813; another, Henry, is a captain in the royal marines: his nephew, William Hole, was made a lieutenant for gallant conduct during the late war with America, and is now in the coast-guard service. Two of his sisters are married to medical gentlemen.


Obtained a lieutenant’s commission in Feb, 1800; and commanded the boats of the Alceste and Topaze frigates, at