Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/106

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tions and proofs of his mercy towards mankind, revealed in the gospel of our Saviour, are delighted and most encouraging’. With the sincerest esteem I remain ever, dear Sir, your most obliged and affectionate servant,

(Signed)C. F. Latrobe.”

The subject of this memoir has been twice married, – 1st, in 1816, to Miss Henning, daughter of one of the senior pursers in the royal navy, which lady died in Ireland shortly after his return from Newfoundland: 2dly, in 1830, to a Miss O’Donnoghue, with whom, and his two surviving children by his first wife, he has ever since resided at his birth-place, near Glamuir. One of his brothers, Robert, a medical man of some eminence, was senior physician to the fever hospital at Cork, where he fell a victim to the effects of a malady he had successfully treated for years. Another brother, Thomas, went out as a cadet to India, where he entered His Majesty’s service, and acted as aide-de-camp to Lord Lake, until the regiment to which he belonged, the 19th light dragoons, received orders for England, when, his health being much impaired by the climate, he came home and retired on half-pay.


Is, we believe, a freeholder of Northumberlandshire. He entered the royal navy in Mar. 1798, as midshipman on board the Diomede 50, Captain the Hon. Charles Elphinstone (now Vice-Admiral Fleeming), under whom he served on various stations until Feb. 1801, when he joined the Adamant 50, Captain the Hon. (now Sir William) Hotham, in which ship he returned home from the Cape of Good Hope, about Nov. following. We subsequently find him in the Trusty 50, Captain Daniel O. Guion, and Conflict gun-brig, the latter employed on Channel service, during the peace of Amiens. On the renewal of hostilities, he rejoined his first captain, then commanding the Egyptienne frigate, in which he assisted at the capture of two French corvettes and one large privateer, and was present at the defeat of the combined