Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/111

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20, and Eridanus 36, from the beginning of 1813 until the final cessation of hostilities in 1815. His subsequent appointments were, Mar. 8th, 1816, to the Spencer 76, Captain Richard Raggett, stationed as a guard-ship at Portsmouth; and, July 5th, 1821, to the Royal George yacht, Captain (now Rear-Admiral) the Hon. Sir Charles Paget, under whom he had the honour of accompanying King George IV. to Ireland. His promotion to the rank of commander took place on the 14th Dec. 1821.


Obtained his first commission in Oct. 1814; and was wounded while serving as ninth lieutenant of Lord Exmouth’s flag-ship, the Queen Charlotte, at the memorable battle of Algiers. We next find him in the Royal George yacht, Captain the Hon. Sir Charles Paget, under whom he had the honor of accompanying his late Majesty to Ireland. He was promoted to his present rank on the 14th Dec. 1821. His last appointment was, Feb. 2d, 1823, to be an inspecting commander in the coast guard service. In 1832, the officers and men of the Carrickfergus district, late under his superintendence, presented him with a handsome snuff-box, “as a testimony of their respect and esteem.”

Commander G. M. King married, June 27th, 1825, Anne Sarah, relict of Francis Hoey, Esq., of Dungan’s Town, co. Wicklow; and sister to Matthew Forde, Esq., M.P. for County Down.


We first find serving as midshipman under the late Captain Sir George Ralph Collier, and employed in a boat belonging to the Surveillante frigate, at the capture of a French merchant brig, between the batteries of St. Guildas and St. Jacques, in Quiberon Bay, Sept. 5th, 1810.