Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/128

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Fifth son of the Rev. Sir Charles Bostock Rich, Bart. LL.D.[1], by Mary Frances, only daughter and sole heiress of Sir Robert Rich, of Waverly, co. Warwick, Bart., and niece to the first Earl of Ludlow.

This officer passed his examination at Portsmouth, in Nov. 1811; obtained a lieutenant’s commission on the 15th Oct. 1812; served in the Volontaire frigate. Captain the Hon. George G. Waldegrave, (now Lord Radstock) from Feb. 1813, until the end of the war in 1814; and subsequently in the Falmouth 20, Commander Edward Purcell, at the Leeward Islands. He was promoted from the Surinam 18, Commander W. M‘Kenzie Godfrey, to the command of the Bustard 10, at Jamaica, Sept. 24th, 1822.

Commander Rich married July 6th, 1820, Sophia, youngest daughter of Captain G. F. Angelo, of Hill, Southampton.


Passed his examination at Plymouth, in May 1810; obtained a lieutenant’s commission on the 25th July 1811; commanded the Hound revenue cutter (a very successful cruiser against the smugglers) in 1819 and 1820; and was promoted to his present rank, Oct. 9th, 1822.

This officer married, Feb. 2d, 1821, Elizabeth Rolleston, niece to A. Boyd, Esq. of Gostler, co. Donegal, Ireland.


Was made a lieutenant on the 22d Jan. 1806, During the latter part of the war with France, he served as first of the Sultan 74, Captain (now Vice-Admiral) John West, on

  1. Formerly Charles Bostock, Esq., who took the surname and arms of Rich, by virtue of the royal licence, Dec. 23d, 1790; and was created a Baronet June 21st, 1791.