Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/149

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ral hours after he ought to have done so, and then he refused to take the quarter-master (Price) off to the schooner, though ordered to do so. – Lieut. De Sausmarez, in his defence, commented on the insubordinate state of the crew, and on the evident necessity there was, that he should make an example of Brown, but whose punishment he did not resolve upon until he had consulted with Lieut. Huntly, then the senior officer at Sierra Leone, who not only concurred in opinion, but sent the boatswain’s mate and marines of his own vessel (the Lynx), to carry the punishment into execution. The Court decided that, under the circumstances, Lieut. De Sausmarez was justified in having had recourse to such punishment, and therefore acquitted him. The President, Sir Frederick L. Maitland, K.C.B.,” (Admiral-Superintendent of Portsmouth dock-yard) “then returned Lieutenant De Sausmarez his sword, saying, ‘I have great pleasure in returning you your sword, and in saying that nothing whatever has appeared to affect your character on this occasion.’ – Lieutenant De Suasmarez had been under arrest eighteen months upon this charge!


Was made a lieutenant into the Prince of Wales 98, Captain (now Vice-Admiral) John Erskine Douglas, on the Mediterranean station, May 18th, 1814; appointed to the Briseis sloop. Captain W. R. Jackson, Sept. 19th in the same year; and subsequently served under the flag of Sir Graham Moore, on board the Rochfort 80. He obtained the rank of commander on the 31st Mar. 1824; and married, in 1828, Jane, second daughter of the late Archibald Tod, Esq., of Drygrange, co. Cumberland.


Second son of the Rev. W. Wilkinson, rector of Redgrave, Suffolk; and nephew to Sir John Osborne, Bart., formerly a Lord of the Admiralty, and M.P. for Bedfordshire.

This officer served as midshipman on board the Conqueror 74, bearing the flag of Rear-Admiral Plampin, and was promoted from that ship into the Sappho sloop, at St. Helena, Oct. 5th, 1819. His next appointment was, July 26th,