Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/200

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Was made a lieutenant on the 19th Mar. 1798; and promoted to the rank of commander for long and active services, Mar. 27th, 1826. At the close of the late war he Commanded the Cheerful cutter, and subsequently the Griper revenue cruiser.


This officer is a native of Appledore. We first find him serving as midshipman on board the Viper cutter, commanded by acting lieutenant Jeremiah Coghlan, under whom he greatly distinguished himself, and received six. wounds, at the capture, by a single boat, of the French national brig Cerbere, mounting seven guns and full of men, moored within pistol-shot of three batteries, at the entrance of Port Louis, July 29th, 1800[1]. He obtained the rank of lieutenant in April 1804; commanded the Cuckoo schooner, off l’Orient, in Mar. 1808; and lost that vessel near Haarlem, April 4th, 1810, on which occasion he was taken prisoner. His next appointment was, Oct. 29th following, to the Prince Frederick 64, receiving ship in Hamoaze, where he continued until the end of the war, in 1815. His commission as commander bears date Mar. 27th, 1826. He married, in 1833, Miss P. Richards, of Padstow.


Obtained the rank of lieutenant on the 24th Dec. 1805; and was first of the Fylla 22, Captain William Shepheard, at the close of the war in 1814. His commission as commander bears date Mar. 27th, 1826. He married the only daughter of E. Daun, Esq., of Warblington.