Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/232

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refuge on board that ship, at Lisbon, in May 1824, His promotion to the rank of commander took place Nov. 24th, 1826.


Son of the late General Carleton. Obtained his first commission on the 18th July, 1810; served during the latter part of the war with France, in the Royal George, first rate, Captain T. F. C. Mainwaring, on the Mediterranean station; and was promoted to the rank of commander, Dec. 2d, 1826. He married, in 1832, Rosamond, daughter of the late Lieutenant-General Orde, of Westwood Hall, Northumberland.


Was made a lieutenant on the 26th Dec. 1822; and served with great credit under Commodore Bullen, on the African station, in 1824, 5, and 6.

On the 6th Sept. in the latter year, after capturing a beautiful Spanish schooner, the Nicanor, with 176 slaves on board. Lieutenant Tucker, then commanding the Maidstone’s tender, Hope, a schooner of five guns and twenty-six men, was ordered to scour the Bight of Benin, and examine more particularly Lago, Whydah, and Badagry. At Whydah there were no less than twelve vessels waiting for slaves; and one of these, a Brazilian brig of nine guns and seventy-six men, was taken by the Hope, after a gallant action of two hours and a half. A letter written by an officer of the squadron gives us the following particulars:–

“One of those vessels, a fine brig of 287 tons, had just come over from Rio Janeiro, with her water filled, slave-deck laid, and farina and yams on board. She was by her papers allowed to take 701 slaves. After examining her. Lieutenant Tucker was convinced she would be off in the course of a day or two; and, running out of sight, placed himself in a situation likely to intercept her. As he suspected, so it turned out, for