Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/316

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appointment during the war was, Aug. 17th, 1812, to the York 74, Captain (now Rear-Admiral) A. W. Schomberg, then cruizing off the Scheldt, but subsequently employed on the Channel station, and in conveying troops from Bourdeaux to Quebec. He obtained his present rank on the 12th May, 1828.


Entered the royal navy in 1795; obtained his first commission on the 9th April, 1803; and was promoted to his present rank May 14th, 1828; previous to which he had commanded the Dexterous gun-brig, and Nimble and Lapwing revenue cruisers. He was appointed an inspecting commander of the coastguard in July, 1830; but quitted that service, and joined the Malabar 74, Captain the Hon. Josceline Percy, in Oct. 1832. He appears to have invalided from that ship in June, 1833.


A son of Daniel Connor, Esq. of Ballybricken, near Cork; and brother-in-law to Admiral Superintendent Sir Frederick L. Maitland, under whom he commenced his naval career as midshipman on board the Loire frigate, early in the late war. On the 17th Aug., 1804, he was wounded in action with the French frigate-built privateer Blonde, of 30 guns and 240 men[1]. His first commission bears date Jan. 5th, 1810. He subsequently served under the flag of Lord Keith, in the San Josef and Queen Charlotte first rates; and with Captain F. L. Maitland, in the Boyne 88, and Vengeur and Genoa, third rates. He obtained his present rank on the 19th May, 1828.