Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/344

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This officer was born on the 10th June, 1798; became a student at the Royal Naval College, Portsmouth, Aug. 1st, 1811; and was discharged from thence into the Cumberland 74, Captain (now Sir Thomas) Baker, May 16th, 1814. Between July 26th, 1815, and Mar. 24th, 1816, he served on board the Caledonia 120, Rochfort 80 (commanded by his father), and Eridanus frigate. At the latter date he joined the Minden 74, Captain William Paterson, fitting out for the flag of Sir Richard King, commander-in-chief on the East India station, in which ship he bore a part at the memorable battle of Algiers. We afterwards find him in the Trincomalee 46, Vengeur 74, Atholl 28, Liffey 50, Ramillies 74, and Royal Sovereign yacht; from which vessel he was advanced to the rank of lieutenant, Oct. 16th, 1822. His subsequent appointments were, to the Queen Charlotte 104, Seringapatam 46, Revenge 78, and Raleigh 16.

Lieutenant Dickson succeeded to the baronetcy, on the demise of his father, in June, 1827; and was ship-wrecked on the coast of Portugal, when proceeding to the Mediterranean, as passenger on board the Terror bomb, Captain David Hope, Feb. 19th, 1828[1]. He was promoted to the command of the Raleigh, Mar. 4th, 1829; and appointed to the Orestes sloop, at Portsmouth, Sept. 28th, 1833. Since then he has been employed on the Lisbon station.

Sir William Dickson’s brothers are, Archibald, an officer in the army; Colpoys, in the Hon.E.I.Company’s military service; Alexander Collingwood Thomas, a lieutenant in the royal navy; and John Bourmaster, midshipman. One of his sisters, Harriet Jane, is married to Captain Thomas Wren Carter, R.N.; and another, Mary Madeline, to Captain Claud Douglas, H.E.I.Company’s army.


Entered the royal navy in 1812; obtained his first commission on the 21st July, 1818; and invalided from the