Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/350

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Mr. Johnson, the master, which screen was composed of a tarpaulin nailed to a carlin, 5 ft. 6 in. in length, 6 ft. 3 in. in breadth. Witness asked Mr. Johnson if he might open one of the ports to give Mr. B. air; to which he replied, that the Commander had ordered him to be closely confined. Gave Mr. B. a chair, as he had none to sit on. Did not see him again for three or four days, till he saw him in the midshipmen’s berth. Neither light nor air could be admitted. Prisoner’s conduct was in general very respectful, and he was very attentive to his duty.

“The evidence in behalf of the defence having been concluded, the Court was cleared, and after a deliberation of one hour and a half, reopened, when the following sentence was delivered:–

“‘The Court is of opinion that the charge against the said Mr. Henry Grainger Backhouse, of insubordination in quitting the ship in defiance of the first lieutenant’s refusal of leave of absence, has been proved; but that the other charges against the said Mr. H. G. Backhouse have not been proved. And the Court doth adjudge the said Mr. H. G. Backhouse to be discharged from H.M. surveying-vessel the AEtna; and to be reprimanded, and admonished to be more circumspect in his conduct in future; and the said Mr. H. G. Backhouse is hereby discharged from H.M. surveying-vessel the AEtna; and is reprimanded, and admonished to be more circumspect in his conduct in future accordingly.’”

The AEtna was subsequently stationed in the River Douro, for the protection of British property, during the contest between Dons Pedro and Miguel. From thence she was sent to survey the Esquerques, or Skerki, a reef of rocks in the Mediterranean Sea. She returned to Portsmouth in Aug. 1833, and was paid off on the 10th of the following month.

Commander Belcher is a member of the Geological and London Geographical Societies. He married, Sept. 11th, 1830, Diana Joliffe, grand-daughter of Colonel Simpson, of Plean House, Falkirk, N.B., and step-daughter of that amiable man and excellent officer the late Captain Peter Heywood, R.N.


Eldest son of the late Rev. John Baptist Proby, rector of St. Mary’s, Lichfield, co. Stafford[1], by Mary Su-

  1. Eldest son of the late Dean of Lichfield, and nephew to the late Commissioner Proby, of H.M. dock-yard at Chatham.