Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/355

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promotion, by commission dated May 7th, 1829. He obtained the command of the Dispatch sloop, fitting out for the West India station, June 7th, 1832; and has since captured, to windward of Barbadoes, a Spanish schooner, of only 75 tons, having on board 292 slaves of both sexes, mostly under twelve years of age.


Was made a lieutenant in Mar, 1823; and advanced to his present rank, while serving as first of the Dryad frigate. Captain the Hon. George A. Crofton, June 12th, 1829. A few days afterwards, on paying off that ship, her gun-room officers gave him a farewell dinner, at Devonport, in token of their esteem, and in congratulation on his promotion. Next day, the midshipmen gave their late officers a public breakfast, and presented Commander Dixon with a handsome piece of plate. He has since served for three years in the Caledonia 120, latterly commanded by Captain James Hillyar, C.B., which ship was paid off in May 1833.


Was made a lieutenant in July 1819; promoted to the command of the Arachne sloop, on the West India station, July 14th, 1829; and paid off from that vessel, at Devonport, July 13th, 1830.


Obtained his first commission on the 24th Sept. 1806; and was slightly wounded while serving as senior lieutenant of the Galatea frigate. Captain Woodley Losack, in action with a French squadron near Madagascar, May 20th, 1811[1].