Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/369

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Son of an old purser in the royal navy.

This officer entered the service in 1805; passed his examination at Portsmouth, in Nov. 1811; and was made lieutenant into the Gorgon 44, armed en flûte, Commander R. B. Bowden, Dec. 30th, 1813. He subsequently served under Captains John Parish and Thomas Warrand, in the Foxhound sloop. We afterwards find him successively appointed to the Kite, Favorite, and Drake sloops, the latter employed on the Newfoundland station. He obtained his present rank on the 8th Dec. 1829; and is now commander of the Trinculo sloop, on the African station. His appointment to that vessel took place in April, 1832, at which period she was fitting out for a special service.


A son of the late Dr. Burney, of Gosport, co. Hants, who had the credit of having educated more naval and military officers, during the wars occasioned by the French revolution, than any other teacher in the kingdom.

This officer was made a lieutenant by the Board of Admiralty, on their visit to Portsmouth, in company with the allied monarchs, in the summer of 1814; appointed to the preventive service in the island of Sheppy, in Dec. 1821; advanced to the rank of commander on the 24th Dec. 1829; appointed to the Wasp sloop, July 19th, 1833; and removed to the Arachne sloop, on the West India station, in the month of December following. He married, Jan. 24th, 1822, at Weymouth, Mary, only daughter of P. L. Burnett, Esq.


Was made a lieutenant in the beginning of Jan. 1826; and commander on the 24th Dec. 1829.