Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/378

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that republic with a table service of plate. He brought home from thence a freight of considerable value, April 12th, 1827.

In the spring of the same year, the Calliope having been found unfit for further service, Lieutenant Powney was lent, with the crew of the Royal George, to the Royal Sovereign yacht. Captain Sir William Hoste, in which ship the late Queen of Wirtemburg (Princess Royal of England) returned to her native country, on a visit to her august relatives, after an absence of twenty years. He subsequently had the honor of accompanying his present Majesty, then Lord High Admiral, and his royal consort, on several marine excursions, at the termination of which he was presented by that illustrious personage with a commander’s commission, dated June 26th, 1827. His last appointment was, April 6th, 1831, to be inspecting commander of the coast guard at Aldborough, where he remained for the usual period of three years.

This officer, than whom we know no one more zealously devoted to his profession, married Elizabeth, daughter of the late Captain Carleton, H.M. 16th foot, and niece to the late Lord Carleton, Chief Justice of Ireland.


Served as midshipman on board the Alceste frigate. Captain (afterwards Sir Murray) Maxwell, during Lord Amherst’s embassy to China, in 1816, and was wrecked in that ship, near the island of Pulo-Leat, Feb. 18th, 1817[1]. He was made a lieutenant in Jan. 1823; and advanced to his present rank on the 26th Feb. 1830.

Commander Mostyn married, in Nov. 1832, Susanna, daughter of the late J. S. Townshend, Esq., of Trevallyn, co. Denbigh.