Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/409

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receiving the unqualified thanks of the Turks, as well as the Franks of this place. The French Ambassador’s lady. Countess Guilleminot, in speaking of it, compares the English sailors to Angels, and their actions to every thing bordering on the miraculous.”

Lieutenant Barrow was advanced to the rank of commander May 9th, 1832; and appointed to the Rose sloop, fitting out for the East India station, June 2d, 1834. He sailed from Portsmouth on the 17th Aug. following.


Was shipwrecked in the Carron sloop. Captain John Furneaux, on the coast of Orissa, Bay of Bengal, July 6th, 1820; on which occasion two officers and about twenty men were drowned. The remainder of the officers and crew, after providentially gaining the shore, through a tremendous surf, had to traverse, in a scorching heat (the thermometer being near 120°), with no food, and scarcely any clothing, a thick jungle of 150 miles, to the nearest Hindoo village, whence they were forwarded, on camels, to the nearest Residency.

Mr. Brown obtained his first commission on the 9th Oct. 1827; was appointed flag-lieutenant to Sir John Gore, on the 26th Nov. 1831; and promoted into a death vacancy on the East India station, June 13th, 1832. The sloop which he was then appointed to command having previously sailed for England, he returned home passenger on board the Zebra 18, acting Commander Lord Frederick C. P. Beauclerk; arrived in the spring of 1833; and has since remained on half-pay.


Received his first commission, dated Dec. 14th, 1821, while serving as midshipman of the Royal George yacht. He was promoted to his present rank on the 6th July, 1832.