Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/416

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27th, 1811; as lieutenant of the same, April 24th, 1813; and as lieutenant of the Swallow sloop, Sept. 9th, 1813. He obtained his first commission on the 9th April, 1814; and subsequently served in the Tay and Raleigh sloops. We next find him appointed, June 27th, 1822, to the Superb 78, Captain Adam M‘Kenzie, stationed as a guard-ship at Plymouth. He commanded the Leveret brig, employed on various services, from Dec. 1831 until advanced to his present rank, Oct. 2d, 1833; and is now commander of the Ringdove sloop, on the Plymouth station.

This officer married, in 1817, a sister of Captain William Elliot, R.N., C.B.


Second son of the Earl of Malmesbury, by Harriet Susan, daughter of Francis Dashwood, Esq., of West Vale, co. Lincoln. He was born on the 20th May, 1807; made a lieutenant in Feb. 1828; appointed to the Stag frigate. Captain Nicholas Lockyer, C.B., Sept. 24th, 1832; and advanced to the rank of commander on the 21st Nov. 1833.


Was a midshipman on board the Rippon 74, Captain Sir Christopher Cole, at the capture of the French frigate Weser, Oct. 21st, 1813[1]. He passed his examination, at Plymouth, Nov. 3d, following; obtained his first commission on the 4th Feb. 1815; and subsequently served in the Tonnant 80, and Bulwark 76, flag-ships of the late Sir Benjamin Hallowell Carew, at Cork and in the river Medway. His subsequent appointments were, – Oct. 3d, 1821, to the Genoa 74, Captain Sir Thomas Livingston, stationed at Sheerness; – Dec. 9th, 1822, to the Prince Regent 120, then on the stocks at Chatham, intended for the flag of Sir Benjamin Hallowell; – and