Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/427

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but five packages for us. I also was informed, that two Esquimaux, Augustus the chief, and Junius his servant, who had been sent from Fort Churchill by (Governor Williams, to serve in the capacity of interpreters to the expedition, were at the fort. The men were short of stature, but muscular, apparently good natured, and perfectly acquainted with the purpose for which they were intended. They had built themselves a snow-house on an adjacent island, where they used frequently to sleep. The following day I examined the pieces, and to my great disappointment found them to consist of three kegs of spirits already adulterated by the voyageurs who had brought them; a keg of flour, and thirty-five pounds of sugar, instead of sixty. the ammunition and tobacco, the two most essential requisites, were left behind.

“I lost no time in making a demand from both parties; and though their united list did not furnish the half of what was required; yet it is possible that every thing was given by them which could be spared consistent with their separate interests, particularly by Mr. M‘Vicar, who, in many articles, gave me the whole he had in his possession. These things wore sent away immediately for Fort Enterprize, when an interpreter arrived with letters from Lieutenant Franklin, which referred to a series of injurious reports said to have been propagated against us by some one at Fort Providence. Finding a sufficiency of goods could not be provided at Moose Deer Island, I determined to proceed to the Athabasca Lake, and ascertain the inclinations of the gentlemen there. With this view I communicated my intentions to both parties; but could only get dogs enough from the North-West Company to carry the necessary provisions for the journey. Indeed, Mr. Smith informed me plainly, he was of opinion that nothing could be spared at Fort Chipeywan; that goods had never been transported so long a journey in the winter season, and that the same dogs could not possibly go and return. Besides, it was very doubtful if I could be provided with dogs there; and finally, that the distance was great, and would take sixteen days to perform it. He added, that the provisions would be mouldy and bad, and that from having to walk constantly on snow-shoes, I should suffer a great deal of misery and fatigue. Notwithstanding these assertions, on the 23d of December I left the fort, with Beauparlant and a bois-brulé, each having a sledge drawn by dogs, laden with pemmican. We crossed an arm of the lake, and entered the Little Buffalo River, which is connected with the Salt River, and about fifty yards wide at its junction with the lake; the water is brackish. This route is usually taken in the winter, as it cuts off a large angle in going to the Great Slave River. In the afternoon we passed two empty fishing huts, and in the evening encamped amongst some high pines on the banks of the river, having had several snow showers during the day, which considerably impeded the dogs, so that we had not proceeded more than fifteen miles.

December 24 and 26. – We continued along the river, frequently