Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/439

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Vice-Admiral of the Red.
(Vol. I. Part II. p. 613.)

Is the second son of the late Captain John Harvey (who commanded the Brunswick 74, and was mortally wounded on the glorious 1st of June 1794[1]), by Judith, daughter of Henry Wise, of Sandwich, co. Kent, Esq.

We first find this officer commanding l’Actif sloop, which vessel foundered off Bermuda, Nov. 26th, 1794. He obtained post rank on the 16th Dec. in the same year; and was subsequently appointed to the Prince of Wales 98, flag-ship of his uncle, the late Sir Henry Harvey, K.B.[2], under whom he served at the reduction of Trinidad, in Feb. 1797[3]. During the latter part of the French revolutionary war, he commanded the Southampton and Amphitrite frigates, on the Leeward Islands station. In Mar. 1801, he assisted at the reduction of the Virgin Islands, by the military and naval forces under Lieutenant-General Trigge and Rear-Admiral Duckworth[4].

Captain Harvey’s next appointment was to the Agamemnon 64, which ship he commissioned at Chatham in Aug. 1804.

On the 1st Nov. following. Captain Harvey sailed from St. Helens, in company with a squadron, under Sir John Orde. On the 18th of the same month, being then off Cadiz, he was ordered to chase and detain a Spanish frigate, which surrendered without opposition. Although bound to the