Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/502

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addenda to captains.

for eighteen long 12-pounders, and a privateer ready for launching, pierced for fourteen guns. The value of the cotton manufactory, with the stores it contained at the time, was estimated by the principal inhabitants at 500,000 dollars.

Lieutenant Garland obtained a commander’s commission in Aug. 1815. On quitting the Superb, he was presented by his late messmates with a very elegant silver ladle, by the midshipmen with a silver cup and snuff-box, and by the ship’s company with a handsome piece of plate, as “a tribute of esteem and gratitude.”

This officer was advanced to the rank of captain on the 15th October, 1828. He married, in 1818, Mary Anne, youngest daughter of Thomas Inman, of Great Hayes, co. Somerset, Esq.; and died on the 18th May, 1830, after a lingering illness, in the 44th year of his age.

[Captain of 1831.]

Obtained his first commission in Aug. 1803; served as senior lieutenant of the Nisus frigate. Captain Philip Beaver, in the expedition against Java, 1811; was made a commander on the 15th June, 1814; and promoted to the rank of captain, Sept. 3d, 1831. He is said to have passed Portsmouth, Sept. 24th, 1834, in the Nile steam vessel, bound to Alexandria, for the purpose of assuming a high command in the Egyptian navy.

[Captain of 1831.]

Son of the late Captain William Robert Broughton, R.N., C.B., colonel of the royal marines, a distinguished officer and circum-navigator, who died at Florence on the 12th Mar. 1821, and nephew to General Sir John Delves Broughton, Bart.

The subject of this memoir was born on the 23d Oct. 1804, at Doddington Hall, Cheshire, the seat of his grand-