Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/504

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addenda to captains.

that vessel, he was severely wounded in action with a large Spanish slaver, the capture of which ship he thus briefly re ported in an official letter addressed to Captain Alexander Gordon, of H.M. ship Athol, dated at the island of Ascension, Oct. 5th, 1830:–

“Sir,– Proceeding in execution of your orders of the 3d Sept., I had the good fortune to fall in, at 11-30 p.m. on the 6th of that month, with the Spanish ship Velos Passagero, Jose Antonio de la Vega, master, from Wydah, hound to Havannah, pierced for 28 guns, hut having only 20 mounted; and from the officer whom I sent to board not being allowed to examine her below, as usual, I concluded she had slaves on board. Finding I had much the advantage of her in sailing, and wishing to avoid the effusion of blood by a night action with a vessel crowded with slaves, I remained by her until morning, when, being within hail, and still resolutely refused permission to search her, we opened our fire, which she returned immediately, the ships nearly touching each other; after the second broadside we laid her on board, and in ten minutes carried her, with a loss on our side of three killed and twelve wounded; the Velos had 46 killed and 20 wounded, out of a crew of as near as I could ascertain 155 men of different nations, and having on board 555 slaves, five of whom were killed. Being myself wounded in the act of boarding, my place was ably taken by Lieutenant Butterfield, seconded by acting Lieutenant Foley, Mr. Fraser, acting master, and Mr. Bentham, midshipman, to each of whom I feel deeply indebted for their zealous exertions; as also to Mr. Williamson, acting purser, who rendered his services on deck during the action; and I feel myself called upon to notice in particular the conduct of the acting surgeon, Mr. Lanes, who, though dangerously ill, exerted himself in an extraordinary manner in his attention to the wounded, having no assistant on board. I cannot speak too highly in praise of the gallantry and good conduct of the warrant and petty officers and ship’s company, who distinguished themselves not only for their steadiness in action, but for their great personal exertions in refitting the two ships afterwards. I enclose the list of killed and wounded[1].”

The Velos Passagero had been on the African coast at least two years, trafficking for a cargo of slaves, and endeavouring to obtain 1400 or 1500; but having been closely

  1. Killed. – One seaman and two marines. Wounded. – Mr. Watts, boatswain, and one marine, dangerously; Commander Broughton, Mr. Fraser, acting master, and two men, severely; Mr. Bentham, midshipman, and five men, slightly.