Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/508

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addenda to captains.

intention of resuming the blockade of Port Louis. On his passage to the Cape of Good Hope, he fell in with a dangerous shoal, lat. 33° 56' S., long. 36° E., seemingly very extensive, and no part of it visible above water. His advancement to the rank of commander took place Feb. 12th, 1811.

This officer’s next appointment was, about Feb. 1812, to the Alert sloop (formerly a Newcastle collier), mounting fourteen 18-pounder carronades and two long sixes, with a complement of 86 officers, men, and boys; destined to the Halifax station. On the 13th Aug. following, being then in search of the United States’ ship Hornet, he fell in with, and after a short action was captured by the Essex frigate, of 46 guns and 328 men. His “conspicuous gallantry” in bearing down upon the enemy, “entitled him,” says Mr. James, “to a better ship than the Alert, a better first lieutenant than Andrew Duncan, who gave him no support, and a better crew than his officers and men, who, except Johanson Clering, the master, and William Haggerty, the purser, went aft to request him to strike the colours. Captain Porter (of the Essex) disarmed his fine prize, and sent her, with the prisoners, as a cartel, to Newfoundland; where, on the 8th Oct., Commander Laugharne and his officers and men were tried for the loss of their ship. The commander, master, and purser were most honorably acquitted; the first lieutenant was dismissed the service; and the remaining officers and crew obtained, along with their acquittal, the marked disapprobation of the court[1].”

The subject of this sketch was appointed to the Achates sloop about July 1814; and to be an inspecting commander of the coast guard in Nov. 1823. For his exertions in the latter service, he received a captain’s commission dated April 4th, 1832.

Captain Laugharne married, in 1820, Mary Amelia, eldest daughter of the late Sir Stewkley Shuckburgh, Bart.

  1. Naval History, vol. vi. p. 128.