Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/518

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addenda to captains.

sea or on any foreign coast, in a few hours, at no additional expence, as complete a manner as is now done by returning to port and getting new pintles.

(Signed)Thomas Pattison, Master.”

In the same year a general order was issued by the Commissioners of the Navy, for fitting the rudders of all such of His Majesty’s ships, as may hereafter be built or repaired, on Commander Lihou’s improved plan, which has since been adopted by foreign nations, its advantages having become universally known and appreciated.

On the 1st Feb. 1833, Commander Lihou was appointed to the Victory 104, bearing the flag of Sir Thomas Foley, at Portsmouth; where, in Sept. following, he had the gratification to witness the launch of the Neptune 120, fitted with his patent pintles to her rudder. As a reward for his valuable invention, he was advanced to the rank of captain, Feb. 4th, 1833.

(Vol. IV. Part I. p. 207.)

Was promoted to the rank of captain on the 1st Mar. 1833.

[Captain of 1833.]

Went first to sea in Jan. 1800, as midshipman, on board the Glenmore frigate, Captain George Duff, on the Irish station, and followed that distinguished officer into the Vengeance 74, attached to the Channel fleet, early in 1801.

After the battle of Copenhagen, the Vengeance was sent to reinforce the Baltic fleet; and we subseqently find her employed off Rochefort, whence she was ordered to Bantry Bay, for the protection of that part of Ireland. Upon this station she continued until the signature of the preliminaries of peace, when she was selected to form part of a squadron under Rear-Admiral (afterwards Sir George) Campbell, destined to Jamaica, for the purpose of watching the movements of an armament sent from France, to attempt the recovery