Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/561

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addenda to captains.

(Vol. III. Part I. p. 284.)
[Captain of 1834.]

Is a protegé of the Marquis of Bristol, but not in any way related to that nobleman.

This officer entered the royal navy in Jan. 1801, as midshipman on board the Zephyr fire-brig, Captain Clotworthy Upton; and nearly perished in one of her boats, which was sunk by a shot, when in the act of going alongside the Amazon frigate, Captain Edward Riou, at the commencement of the celebrated battle of Copenhagen. After that tremendous conflict was over, he returned to the Zephyr, in which vessel he continued until the peace of Amiens. In 1804, Mr. Shannon entered the Royal Naval College at Portsmouth; and in 1807, joined the Sybille frigate, commanded by Captain Upton, on the Irish station. He was made a lieutenant into the Lightning sloop. Captain (now Sir Bentinck C.) Doyle, June 15th, 1810; &c. &c. as stated in Vol. III. Part I.

[Captain of 1834.]

Entered the royal navy in 1800; obtained his first commission on the 22d Feb. 1810; and subsequently served under Captains Charles Warde and the Hon. (now Sir Henry) Duncan, in the Banterer sloop and Glasgow frigate. He was made commander from the Victory 104, flag-ship at Portsmouth, Oct. 29th, 1827; appointed to the Dee steamship in June 1832; removed to the Phoenix steamer on the 6th Nov. 1833; and promoted to the. rank of captain Aug. 28th, 1834. The Dee was attached to the North Sea squadron, during the blockade of the Dutch ports in 1833; and afterwards conveyed Vice-Admiral Sir Pulteney Malcolm to Lisbon. The Phoenix attended Queen Adelaide to Rotterdam in the summer of 1834.