Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/563

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addenda to captains.

26th Jan. 1826; appointed to the Challenger 28, Jan. 28th, 1828; and promoted to the rank of commander on the 18th Aug. following. His next appointments were, Aug. 6th, 1830, to the Prince Regent 120, bearing the flag of the commander-in-chief in the River Medway, which ship was paid off on the 21st Feb. 1832; and, June 27th in the latter year, to the Champion 18, fitting out for the Mediterranean station, from whence he returned to Plymouth, Aug. 25th, 1834. His commission as captain bears the date Oct. 24th following, at which period he was on sick leave, and his sloop proceeding to Newfoundland, under the temporary command of Lieutenant Edward Herrick.

[Captain of 1834.]

Was made a lieutenant on the 26th Dec. 1822; commander Nov. 8th, 1827; and captain Oct. 24th, 1834.

This officer is the only individual who accompanied the whole of the expeditions of discovery to the polar regions, to which hazardous service he has devoted sixteen of the best years of his life. We understand that the world is indebted to him for the greater part of the scientific results of the late expedition under his uncle. Captain Sir John Ross, R.N., C.B., &c. The thanks of the Common Council of London were voted to him on the 5th Dec. 18133, at which period he was serving as commander on board the Victory 104, flagship of Sir Thomas Williams, at Portsmouth, preparatory to his further advancement.

[Captain of 1834.]

This officer is related to the Duke of Grafton’s family. He entered the royal navy in 1818; obtained his first commission on the 7th Sept. 1824; and subsequently served under Captains Sir John Phillimore and Arthur Batt Bingham, in the Thetis frigate, on the Mediterranean and South