Page:Royal Naval Biography Marshall v4p2.djvu/89

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the activity and zeal displayed by him throughout that period. His exertions have been successful, not only in several instances of seizure, but also in the preservation of derelict cargoes to a considerable amount; and we are convinced his vigilance and judicious arrangements have tended greatly to the protection of the coast of his district from illicit practices. If we thought it within the line of our duty to correspond on this subject with the Lords of the Admiralty, we should feel happy in making a representation of his services to their Lordships. We are, &c.

(Signed)S. Pellew.”
J. Laffer.”

To the Hon. Commissioners,
Customs, London.

On his quitting the Hind, Lieutenant Little was presented with a silver snuff-box, from her officers and crew. His next appointment was, Feb. 14th, 1821, to the Lady Hobart packet, employed in carrying mails to Bermuda, New York, and Halifax. His promotion to the rank of commander took place July 19th, 1821. From Feb. 1st, 1823, until July 2d following, he commanded the Countess of Chichester packet, on a voyage to and from South America; and on the 10th April 1824, he obtained the civil appointment of agent to H.M. post office packets at Port Patrick. His only son is a midshipman in the royal navy.


Obtained his first commission on the 15th Jan. 1802; and was senior lieutenant of the Magnificent 74, Captain (now Sir George) Eyre, at the siege of St. Maura in March and April 1810, during which he distinguished himself as “a very gallant and zealous officer.” He continued in the same ship successively commanded by Captains Willoughby T. Lake and John Hayes, until the final termination of hostilities in 1815. His promotion to the rank of commander took place July 19th, 1821.


Was made a lieutenant on the 18th Oct. 1804; and promoted to the rank of commander July 19th, 1821.