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24 Geo. V.]
Royal Society of New Zealand
[1933, No. 17.

New Zealand.



  1. Short Title.
  2. New Zealand Institute abolished and Royal Society of New Zealand constituted as successor thereto.
  3. Membership of Society.
  4. Council
  5. Term of office of appointed members of Council.
  6. Vacancies.
  7. Patron, President, and Vice-President.
  8. Meetings of Society and Council.
  9. Powers of Council.
  10. Fellowships, honorary membership, and awards.
  11. Rules.
  12. Endowment of Society.
  13. Property, &c., of New Zealand Institute to vest in Society.
  14. Rules and transactions to be laid before Parliament.
  15. Repeals and savings.

1933, No. 17.

TitleAn Act to abolish the New Zealand Institute and to constitute in lieu thereof a Body for the Promotion of Science, to be known as the Royal Society of New Zealand.

[6th December, 1933.

BE IT ENACTED by the General Assembly of New Zealand in Parliament assemhled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:—

Short Title.1. This Act may be cited as the Royal Society of New Zealand Act, 1933.

New Zealand Institute abolished and Royal Society of New Zealand constituted as successor thereto.2. (1) The New Zealand Institute constituted by the New Zealand Institute Act, 1908, is hereby abolished and the Board of Governors thereof is hereby dissolved.

(2) There is hereby constituted as successor to the New Zealand Institute a body which, in accordance with the gracious approval of His Majesty heretofore duly given, shall be called the Royal Society of New Zealand