Page:Royal Society of New Zealand Act 1997.pdf/1

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Royal Society of New Zealand
1997, No. 2


 1. Short Title and commencement


 2. Interpretation

The Royal Society of New Zealand

 3. Constitution of Society
 4. Honorary Patron
 5. Object
 6. Functions
 7. Powers of Society
 8. No dividend or profit to members

Membership of Society

 9. Membership of Society
10. Fellows
11. Ordinary Members
12. Companions
13. Constituent Organisations
14. Regional Constituent Organisations
15. Affiliate Organisations
16. Honorary Members
17. Honorary Fellows
18. Revocation of membership or fellowship
19. Register of members

Council of Soctety

20. Council of Society
21. Electoral Colleges
22. Elected Councillors
23. Appointed Councillors
24. Co-opted Councillors
25. President
26. Powers of Council
27. Council to regulate own procedure
28. Council may appoint committees
29. Delegations to committees
30. Vacation of office of Councillors
31. Vacation of office of President

Rules of Society

32. Rules of Society
33. Further provisions relating to rules

Professional Standards and Ethics

34. Code of professional standards and ethics

Further Provisions Relating to Society and Council

35. Protection of officers and members
36. Further provisions relating to management of Society

Academy Council

37. Academy Council
38. Membership of Academy Council
39. Bylaws of Academy Council

Miscellaneous Provisions

40. Repeal of Royal Society of New Zealand Act 1965
41. Private Act

Transitional Provisions

42. Membership and staff
43. Interim Council


Provisions Relating to Management of Society