Page:Royal riddle book.pdf/5

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With inward rage I burn — but hug the foe.
And breathe out vengeance wheresoe'er I go.
Nay, while thus lovingly we seem t‘ agree,
I serve him just as Jove did Semele,
For ere from me the thoughtless sot retires,
By my embrace consum'd he soon expires.


When Caesar did this Isle invade,
I first expeienc'd royal aid,
Nay, now to majesty belong,
Tho' subject to the vulgar throng.
Who with uncivil usage treat,
And trample me beneath their feet;
With heavy burdens me oppress,
And money gain by my distress.
Yet all their insults I endure,
While they my given braises cure;
I am in every country found,
And traverse all the kingdom round,
Say, what's my name, that so well known
I am a common proverb grown.


I can money procure,
For the rich and the poor,
If I open my mouth pretty wide;
So that there's not a house,
Worth the skip of a louse,
But will for me a lodging provide.
Tho' with Tom, Will, or Bob,
I'm licens'd to rob,
And plunder my country all over;
Yet however unjust,
I keep true to my trust,
And ne'er will my patron discover:
When engag'd for the great,
Or the minions of state,

You'd be shock'd at the havock I make;