Branodunum, now Brancaster Bay, in Norfolk; Gariannonum, now Yarmouth; Regulbium, now Reculver; Rutupiæ, now Richborough; Anderida now perhaps Newenden, in Kent; and Adurni, now Ederington, near Shoreham. The position of many of these places
(From Johann Scheffer's 'De Militia Navali Veterum,' Upsala, 1654.)
a. Chalatorii funes.
b. Epitonus.
c. Ceruchi.
d. Hyperæ.
e. Pedes.
f. Prota.
g. Calones.
h. Thoracium.
i. Maleola.
k. Antenna.
l. Cornua.
m. Dolon.
n. Velum aliud.
o. Anserculus cum aplustri.
p. Stylus cum tœnia.
q. Propedes.
r. Anchorale.
s. Elacate.
(Whether a topsail was really used in such a vessel is very doubtful.)
is in itself indication that there was at the time an important amount of intercourse with the continent; and that trade flourished under