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to steir burde! Lufe harde aburde! Hail eftir the foir sail scheit! Hail out the bollene!'

"Than the maister quhislit and cryit; 'Tua men abufe to the mane ra! Cut the raibandis, and lat the mane sail and top sail fal! Hail doune the lufe close aburde! Hail eftir the mane sail scheit! Hail out the mane sail bollene!' Than ane of the marynalis began to hail and to cry, and al the marynalis ansuert of that samyn sound: 'Hou! Hou! Pulpela! Pulpela! Boulena! Boulena! Darta! Darta! Hard out strif! Hard out strif! Afoir the vynd! Afoir the vynd! God send! God send! Fayr vedthir! Fayr vedthir! Mony pricis! Mony pricis! God foir lend! God foir lend! Stou! Stou! Mak fast and belay!' Than the maister cryit and bald: 'Renze ane bonet! Vire the trossis! Nou heise!' Than the marynalis began to heis vp the sail, cryand: Heisau! Heisau! Vorsa! Vorsa! Vou! Vou! Ane lang draucht! Ane lang draucht! Mair maucht! Mair maucht! Zong blude! Zong blude! Mair mude! Mair mude! False flasche! False flasche! Ly a bak! Ly a bak! Lang suak! Lang suak! That! That! That! That! Thair! Thair! Thair! Thair! Zallou hayr! Zallou hayr! Hips bayr! Hips bayr! Til hym al! Til hym al! Viddefullis al! Viddefullis al! Grit and smal! Grit and smal! Ane and al! Ane and al! Heisau! Heisau! Nou mak fast the theyrs!'

"Than the maister cryit: Top zour topinellis! Hail on zour top sail scheitis! Vire zour listaris and zour top sail trossis, and

    "Then the master whistled, and cried: Two men above to the mainyard! Cut the lashings, and let the mainsail and topsail fall! Haul down the luff close aboard! Haul aft the mainsail sheet! Haul out the mainsail bowline!' Then one of the mariners began to hail and to cry, and all the mariners answered that same sound: 'Hou! Hou! Pulpeta! Pulpeta! Boulena! Boulena! Darta! Darta![1] Hard out strif! Hard out strif![2] Before the wind! Before the wind! God send! God send! Fair weather! Fair weather! Many prizes! Many prizes! Good fair land! Good fair land! Stow! Stow! Make fast and belay!' Then the master cried, and bade: 'Out with a bonnet![3] Veer the trusses! Now hoist!' Then the mariners began to hoist up the sail, crying: Heisau! Heisau! Vorsa! Vorsa! Vou! Vou! One long pull! One long pull! More power! More power! Young blood! Young blood! More mud! More mud! False flesh! False flesh! Lie aback! Lie aback! Long suak! Long suak! That! That! That! That! There! There! There! There! Yellow hair! Yellow hair! Hips bare! Hips bare! To him all! To him all! Viddefullis al! Viddefullis al! Great and small! Great and small! One and all! One and all! Heisau! Heisau! Now each make fast his!'

    "Then the master cried: 'Top your topinellis! Haul on your topsail sheets! Veer your leeches, and your topsail trusses, and hoist the topsail higher! Haul out the

  1. Probably more Mediterranean corruptions.
  2. Unintelligible.
  3. A bonnet was an extra cloth laced to a sail or course for fine-weather sailing.