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speid the galiasse pat furht hir stoytene salis, and ane hundretht aris on euerye syde.

"The maister gart his marynalis and men of veyr hald them quiet at rest, be rason that the mouying of the pepil vitht in ane schip stopes hyr of hyr fair. Of this sort the said galiasse in schort tyme cam on vynduart of the tothir schip. Than eftir that thai hed hailsit vthirs, thai maid them reddy for battel.

"Than quhar I sat I hard the cannons and gunnis mak mony hiddeus crak — duf, duf, duf, duf, duf, duf. The bersis and falcons cryit tirduf, tirdt, tirduf, tirduf, tirduf. Than the smal artailze cryit tik, tak, tik, tak, tik, take. The reik, smeuik, and the stink of the gunpuddir fylit al the ayr, maist lyik as Pluto is paleis hed been birnand in ane bald fyer. Quhilk generit sik mirknes and myst that I culd nocht see my lynth about me."

As the period now under consideration was that of the infancy and early growth, if not of the actual birth of that magnificent creation, the British Navy, some lists of the royal fleet, as it stood at different dates, will here be appropriate:—

List[1] of Warships Built, Purchased, or otherwise Acquired by Henry VIII. (1509-1547), and Apparently Lost or Disposed of before the Accession of Edward VI.


  • Built.

†Bought. ‡Taken.


1. Anne Gallant †1512 140 2. Artigo †1544 100 3. Bark of Boullen ‡1522 80 4. Bark of Morlaix ‡1522 60 5. Black Bark †1513 ? 6. Christ †1512 300 7. Dragon *1512 100 8. Fortune *1522 160 9. Gabriel Royal †1509 700 10. Galley Blancherd ‡1546 ? 11. Great Bark *1512 400 12. Great Barbara †1513 400

13. Great Elizabeth †1514 900 14. Great Nicholas †1512 400 15. Great Zabra *1522 50 16. Henry Galley *1512 ? 17. Henry of Hampton †1513 120 18. Jennet Perwyn ‡1511 70 19. John Baptist †1512 400 20. John of Greenwich ‡1523 50 21. Katherine Galley *1512 80 22. Katherine Forteleza †1512 700 22. Katherine Pleasance *1518 100

    "The master bid all his mariners and men of war hold themselves quietly at rest, by reason that the moving of the people within a ship stops her on her course. In this manner the said galliass in short time came to windward of the other ship. Then, after that they had hailed one another, they made them ready for battle.

    "Then where I sat I heard the cannons and guns make many hideous cracks — duf, duf, duf, duf, duf, duf. The bassils and falcons cried tirduf, tirduf, tirduf, tirduf, tirduf. Then the small artillery cried tik, tak, tik, tak, tik, take. The reek, smoke, and the stink of the gunpowder filled all the air, most like as Pluto's palace had been burning in one bad fire: which generated such murkiness and mist that I could not see my length about me."

  1. Compiled mainly from information in Oppenheim's 'Admin. of Royal Navy.'