I insert, for reference purposes, an alphabetical key-list of all the vessels (except a few small prizes taken in 1562, and apparently returned in 1564), which, I have been able to satisfy myself, were acquired for the Royal Navy during the reign of Elizabeth. The tonnages given are only approximate. Almost every contemporary document that pretends to show them differs more or less from every other: —
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- Built.
† Bought. ‡ Taken.
SHIP. Tons. Tons. SHIP. Mary Rose (rebuilt) 18. Mercury Mer Honour Merlin Minion14 Minnikin Moon
- 1573
- 1592
- 1590
- 1579
† 1560
- 1595
- 1586
600 Achutes' 100
- 1590
- 1601
- 1594
- 1586
- 1562
- 1590
ddeantage Advantagia Adventure Advice did2 Answer. 200 50 250 50 250 200 400 800 14 60 500 Antelope (rebuilt) Ark Royal Bluck Dog Bonovolia, galley3 Brygandine Bull (rebuilt)4 Charles Crane Cygnet Defiance Dreadnought5 [Due] Repulse Eagle6 Eleanor, galley7 [Elizabeth] Bonaventure8 Elizabeth Jonas9 Foresight Flight French Frigate Gallerita Garland Nonpareil (rebuilt) 1s N. S. del Rosario Popinjay Post Primrose 16 Primrose, hoy 70 1584 11588 1587
- 1563
† 1560
- 1590
- 1590
- 1586
- 1577
1 1596 f1596 1577
- 1563
- 1586
- 1559
- 1586
- 1586
- 1601
- 1587
ț 1590 1584
- 1583
90 800 80 200 1570
- 1586
- 1590
- 1585
- 1590
- 1573
- 1596
† 1592 ț 1563 1567
- 1559
- 1570
- 15:12
ț 1591
- 1602
- 1590
Quittance Rainbow 17 30 200 500 500) 900 1000 120 200 Revenge 18 St. Andrew 19 St. Mathew 20 Scout 21 Srurch Seven Stars. 500 400 700 Speedwell, galley[1] Spy Sun 600 900 300 50 40 Superlativa. Swallow23 Swiftsure24. Talbot 360 400 ?1573
- 1573
- 1585
700 100 500 Tiger (rebuilt)[2] George, hoy (rebuilt) [Golden] Lion (rebuilt) Greyhound Guide Handmaid . Норе 10 Lion's Whelp (I.) i Lion's Whelp (II.) 1 Makeshift (İ.) Makeshift (II.) 1601 1570
- 1586
- 1561
- 1586
- 1559
- 1586
† 1560 1602
- 1596
- 1563
200 150 1100 Tremontuna 1582
- 1585
- 1563
- 1573
- 1559
- 1590
† 1601
- 1563
- 1586
Triumph[3] Trust Tryright, galley[4] Vanguard[5] Victory[6] Volatilla Warspite [White] Bear [7] 80 600 500 800 600 1000
1 Converted to a lighter.
2 Condemned, 1599.
3 Ex Eleanor, rebuilt. Sold 1599.
4 Broken up, 1594.
5 Rebuilt, 1592.
6 A Lübecker, used as a hulk.
7 Probably taken from Havre.
8 Rebuilt, 1581.
9 Rebuilt, 1598.
10 Rebuilt, 1584 and 1602.
11 Lost, May 17th, 1591.
12 Bought from E. of Nottingham.
13 Built, 1556.
14 Condemned, 1570.
15 Ex Philip and Mary, rebuilt.
16 Sold, 1575.
17 Rebuilt, 1602.
18 Taken by Spain, 1591.
19 Taken at Cadiz.
20 Taken at Cadiz.
21 Converted to a lighter.
22 Disposed of ca. 1580.
23 Condemned, 1603.
24 Rebuilt, 1592.
25 Converted to a lighter.
26 Rebuilt, 1596.
27 Disposed of ca. 1580.
24 Rebuilt, 1599.
29 (?) Ex Great Christopher. Rebuilt, 1586.
30 Rebuilt, 1599.