tiff.! Nicimbs. 419 Ihmner' st,,rca ofa Fhi I, in 14}.
Z. hra, 41 I iramelT, inlbriority of Si,anih , 31;I, 583
Ih'eek lit% 1o2, 109, 110, t72, :177 Ihmnild.m's skerries, 63 (;t'idand, 323, 32-1, 326, :1:14: early ibmpowder, 148, 411 it., 412. -11:I: in- settlers in, I;:l: Frobisher in, ,;2,; fluenee of the iuvention ut; :138: 11 teenwith I Iosl,ital. -t34 ,,t; l,rohibit*i. 37 t
the museum at, 41)5 litms, 1-t8, 1ST, 138, 342; of the sixteenth
tirelot?/ &ntt/, 446 n. century, 4il!l t2 { ireville, t'aptain Sir Fulke, 529 (illtt n (}wain. 301; lirey de Wilton Arthur Earl, 482: in Guy, {Sautt of Il:mder% 2It;, 2-11 Scotlaml. 475; surremlers Iiuisnes, -172 Iluy de I.usignan. 171 Grey of Codn-r. Admind Ilichanl Lonl, 357 Gyhon, John, 27:1 tfl'elltottttd , t21, 42:1, 598 tiyrlhlco. -121 I ireynvile, .Iohn, }lx} { iyrth, son of I h, is in, 52
Sir llichard, 41 awl n., 59o; his Gytha, wiloflh.hxi;G 48
gallant light, 41;5--t97: his royage to Virginia, li411. 6-t7 llxcn.x burnt, La, I h'eynvile, I'al,tain Sir Ilichanl 5!17 I latlley' quadrant 40:1 {;reystock. William, I,onl, 2;9 Ila'ttha land, :15 tlt.(n, 3, 5;I; I!ail-shot pieces, 409, -il2, -117 Grillith tff Wales. 5% 52, 53 Ilainault, Sir John oq 228 {;riffiths, a Welsh traveller, 310 Hakluyt, Richard, England's debt t% 606 { ;rim Simon, 113 Hake, Admiral $ir llobert 281; elfira, lhe. 113, 116 Sir Stephen. 272 t;rimahli. I':u']o, 260, 2111 11aley, Roget� 590
I'dnee of Monaco, lleyner ltl. 285, !laltilene, 37
287, 2s; Ilalidmt Ilill, battle ol; 232 Reyner, 1:-15 thdl, Christopher; {h'imshy elmpreen, ;7 "11aliowing" of the llenr flrace it { ;rimstone, Sir .hdm, 283 n. 405 "1 h'islamla," :125, 3:10, 3:;li Ilallwood, Tltollts, t h'isling, .Inlm, 5; 1 I Inlsc Grenfiehl, 597 "l I rogne," 252 i lallon, $ir {'hristolJer 628 630 Grov% ifilot of the .1/,re !!.uo.G 522 tiarahie, the, 371 n. Growth of trmle, 394 I lambm'ger, Cumlrland takes a 526 { h-ube reaches l'al Ihtc% 610 Handmrg fly-boats taken, 512 l iryml}le, Tlmmas, 5;6 ships rilled, 486 {;uadal,ul% 5}5 I laml,shire , 8axtms land in, 35 tltt. t'dbtnd : see' ti.t'bttd I [;tiiltOll, John, (hmtul('., Ilrake .it, 11:;3: burnt by ('ax'el- Ihmd-guns, 401t, 412 dish, I;:18 !!.ndmaM, -1211, 595, 5t'6
htdleiK voyage ol; G-I Ihmekyn, l'ete; 131
Guerandc inveted by De la 'etxla, 239 Ihmgest, Renaud de, 363 I;ucrny, 436: nfidcd I}v Bhuchet, 2;1!1; [lansa hips caltmd by Drake, htken by the French, 2 Ilan Town, Communications with lhc, t;.rst, 654, I;55 395: Elizabeth and the, 440: Trade fidis Ii.btaa, 526 into the hallds of the, ;g48, 352 and t;.bb', 423 Ihu']l, LClllal'd, (illielllle :;); alii[ l'.it.u Sll'l'elldel'Ct[ If; I Ial'botll illl[;l'OVel], I"ranee. 2: ceded to England. 278: Ihu-dicamde, 47, 48 harassed by the lluks of Orleans aim Ihu'diuge, lhtg] G Ihtrgundy, 307: precautions tbr shilus !!.r% 421, 477 h.mtd to, 371 Ihu'e, William, 592 {hiihlfi}rd, 8it llenry, 451 and n. Ilarfiem', 28-l 287, 31;4, :;73-383, 38-1 - Sir Richard, 404 mid n. Iurnt, 3G3 1 French Ileet assembl! at, (hlinea Company chartered, the, $44 3;1: Hem'v VII. sails from. 39:1: Jean first voyage tt,, 470; vovages to, 611, ,le Vienne ;tt, 3t}t}: victory oli 875TT I;12 I larlech besieg.l by the Frenrh Guise, Duke ot; 557 [ liarold I., 19, 47
- I"ralwois , Duke uf, 472 Ilarold 1I., 5
4 h]isn ceded t. Engl:utd, 278 Ihm,hl, death ,)l (luhlhml. Admiral Andrew, 21;7 -- l lardrad;i,-18. 51 Gttlltly William, 1;;1 of Ik. mtuu'k, Is, 17