protectorate of, 4, 414:1: slips purchase, I Ilugo the Minorire, 322
Iom, :;72 "Ilulks," 114
Ih, Uan, i, !h)hert, 5JI Ilull, 23-1, 2D4, :o2, 35S
Sir Thom, 26! Ilaml,e Ianes in the, 45, ; 'l',sti
11olsock, William, 437 n., 43S n.; as Vie the, 54 Admiral, represses piracy, 480, 4Sl I lumhlt's opinion ,f the Mad story, 11,,1 ('ross, 130, 131 Ihmgerford, A,hniral Sir alte :175 and n.: !!ol tlhost, 131, 8.1o, l-D;, 847, :171 anti n. revis the ' Libel on Engli-h lkiicie,' 35o Holy League, the, 44S, 450, 45s Ihmahm, (Jtle Carey second Lonl, 4;7 Ilome, ndency to retain the fleet at, 2;- Ihmtingd,n, A,hnitl .Iohn, Earl ot I londius's chart, , 403 ;, :;7, 380 lionflora; 377; attacke!, 2SD Admiral William Clinton, Earl f, Ihmorius, 83 237, 24;, 250, 255, 257, 26S, 26:; lh,nonr of the flag, 11D William de, 11ood's improvements in nautical instru- Hm-st, ments, 402, 403 Iluscarls, 47 1IOOlt; Captain, 537 Ilythe, S, 1;5, 207; remission of service lb,pc, 428, 425, 477, , 520 m,l n., 52;, granted to, ;;57; ships fmlfishal by, 576, 581 n., 582 n., 5S$, !lope, victuallee, 5 "h-aura," 327, 332 !h,pe Hawkys, 577 n., 5;0 leeland: Irish in, (;l-g3; English tnnle 11ot; Edward, :;4; with, :.;16, 322; intercourse with, :;D; !!Olll , 4}7, 524, 525, 3;0 ntisconduct of English in, 3;0, :;;7: I!ore, Captain, 529; reach ('ale Breton, Danish pnhibitim of trade xx'ith, 010 trade with, !lornsey of 'ewcastle, :;7:; Idwal, 3 I lotvlo, 146 leuan Brechva, 306 !l,skard, Ralph, 34{; "11ot," 325, 327, Ilostages requir hy Ca,t 27 Images of saints in ships, 14S, : I lotslmr operates against { }wen Glen&we' hnmot;ality in the fleet, 2S8 357 Imprcssmcnl, 146; of g{ls, 12:; f men, I [oughton, James, 5 1 [, [2:i; of ships, 112, I I!ouston, James, 5;5 India; tttvcl overland to, ;51; the lltt Ilowanl, Admiral Lor(l Thomas, 501;, 511, 1,;nglish voyage tb 651, 052; profits of 513, 517, 5lb, 520, 522, 52; the trade to, 4 -- {'harles, 593 lndulgces captmd, 501
Lonl Thomas, 494, 4;5, 4{;7, 5;5, 572, In,ram, I ;avid, 020; cited, 306-308
573, 576, 589 lnstrttctions to Itoxard and Esx Ela- --l,ord High A, hniral, Lord Edward, !th's, 51 44; and n., 450, 453 Intercourse, "The Gtat," 44
(later Earl of Surrey), 449, 457 and n., lntemational ction against pirates, 368
458, 45 Invasion threatened from Bouloe an,l -- of Etnghml (later Earl of 'otting- Flanders, ham), the rd High Admiral, Charles � Inventio Fortnnat" 321 l,ord, 42;, 483, 437, 47;, 4s3 and n., 50;, Inverters ships, high tpute of, 315 5[0, 313, 514, 515, 51t;-51, 552, 55i; !,ma, pitt aL 44; a missionaD' centT, created Earl of Nottingham, 5D;; Icters Ipswich, IDI 228; galleys ol 114 Io BmTjhley, 552, 554, 555; letter to h'an,lah-aI-Kalinth, ;;5 Elizabeth, 557; his plan fiw watching Ireland; assists Wal, 30: early inter- the Channel, 558, 55}, 5;2 cottle with, 57: galleys l 114; King's -- -- t'harl, 5s; ships in, 12-I; Saltire of, 1;2 n.; {';,n- -- William Lord, -i71, -t72 quest ol DJ2, etc.; John's Cxledititm ---Sir Edwanl, agreemcnt concerning the 17: M:tdoc i,rbably were to, Ileet of 1512..42tis Warbeck in, 4 17; glanish desitin m,
Admiral Sir J,hn, nior 23:; and n. 5, 51S, 51;: Esx in, 528; Slutnish
234, 2{;5, 2t;O attempt on, 5:i0; apprehensions of a !Iowlet,.hdm, li15 Spanish de.cnt in, 5:;: the Armada I[owlett, Richard, 4:;8 n. tmnds the wt coast of, 5S2, 583 !!o# h'ark, 421 ;' Ireland the great," I;4 Iluhhard, William, 5;7 Irish; goal seamen, 5; early w?ages, 5, Ilues's 'Teactarns de {Hobis,' 402. 4o:; {;o. en..: descents on England, Htqllt fialbtttl, t;:lt;, l;:;8 pilgrims t, the {Irkne)s, ';l: energy ,