I. im, 41!1, 421, 422, 42.q, 425, 427, 477, Lowestoft, 114; Wynter and S'eylnom' quit
5o!1, 520, 52D, 611, 646; taken froIn the fit ofl 580
Andrew Ilarton, 44, 44D aod n.: taken Llck, convention of'lIausa nmrchants at,
by the Pansy and lost off Harwich, 467 4D2
Lion's I1%,'11, , 423, 512, 537 and Genoa, Warwick attacks, 386
ll'hell;s longboat in the Orin% 64D Lucy, 4;eoffrey de, ID;, 11, 17, 180
Limael of Antwerp, 274 -- - Richard de, l;I Liques, 144 Luna, l}on Jum de, 491 Lisb.n, 2o9, 533, 537: English fleet at, 1; "Lunars," English misbehaviour at, D;;: attacked, Lundv Island, 11, 22 a pirate strong- 4, 4: Spanish fit assembled at, holl, 314 518; lingsby's actions ofi 518; strength Lg, John Le, lhe pirate, of the Armada while at, 51i0 Luntlowe, Thomas, Lisle, Sir John de, 224 Lul,icinus, 32 -- Lord High Admiral Jolm Lonl, M;0, Lusignan, Guy de, 171 4;2, 4t;3, 464, 465, 4;{; Hugh de, 17; Liste, Nicholas, 4D7 n. Lutlerel, le-ffiy de, l Lisler, Charles, 593 Imzon, Don Alonso tie, 571,578 -- Christol)her, 493 Lynte, 133, 223 Little lI. re 59i Lynes, 1
John, 34fl, 347, 595 Lynn, 238, 389; galleys of, 114: and Dart-
-- .ll, trb., 347 mouth, hostilities between, 124: prosperity (or Petite) 'b*itq, ,q4;, 347 . ol; :; Nicholas ,d :12l: Prussi:m trade Littlebury, Adodral Si' lhmq,hrev de, _1. with, a; kidhal,letS , LizaM, the, 5; 562 Lizard, 405, 419 3btbdy, 131 Llewellyn, death of, 204 Mace, William, 648: voyage to Virginia, Lloyd, Thomas, 398 532 "Llwyd," Dr., quoted, 307 Macbran, lb,bert, voyage to Madeira, 317 Loarie, Richml, 5t10 Madagascar, Lancaster at, 656 Loaysa, Garcia de, 681 and n. Maddox, Fenton's chaplain, 635 Lol,o, Don Diego, 535 Ma,leira, ]hfi)ert Macham's wwage to, :117- Lock, John, lill, I;12 Loleshil,s, 144 Madoc, 303, 337; nmkes a second voyage "Lodmannagium," 132 westward, 304; consideration of his claim Log and line, invention of the, 402 to have diuvcred America, 305 et seq. Loggin William, 5 Jbtdre k Dios, captm'e of the, 500, 501 Loir% Cmsar victorious at the mouth of Maeda, Don Luis de, 571 the, 24 Maenige, 43 Lok, Michael, I;24 3bgbtlena, 598 Lomb, John, 131 Magdalene, 224 London, 214, 228; attacked by a fleet, 41;: Magellan Strait, Spanish colony in, trade oi; ; galleys ol; 11; fortified, Richm'd ltawkyns in, 641; Drake in, 630 24f;; ships asmhlt at, 372; shil,s fitted M:tgna Charta, 183 out against the Arlnada hy the 'ity ol; Magnet, the, 128, 147 � .. Magnetic rk, 322, ..... Long, Williron, the firate, 3;9 "Magni," 129 Loql ,go'pent, 71 Magnus threatens invasion, 48, 49 Long ships, I l n., 13, 111 --- of }rkney, sttccess ol} 90 Lougespee, Williron de, Earl of Salishnry, Magroth, Mr., lB; Mai&nbea,I, 421 Longitude, difficulty of ascertaining the, 4Ol Maikyn, .1ohn, 269 Looe, :;4 Maihhm, voyage o1 6l Lord High Adnfiral, 158, 4: Maine, Willialn I. recovers, 88; Williron IL Lord's Prayer t- be snng at night, 432 ladties, ( Loriman, a vohmtr with Parker, 53% 5:11 Mainwaring, Captain, 5:10, 5:12 Loring, 8it Nele, 255 and n., 256 .lbtiD'esse 463 Lothring and Yrling, 49 Mkiorcan galk.ys takeu, 22; Louis d' }utremer restored, 40 .Ibd.,.sb(/?, 5, 423 Lovell, .lohn, fifth Lord, 35; Malchi6n, Roger, 170
John, ;19 Malcolm of 'mnbria, 43
L-veney, Roger de, Is4 Mahlonado, Don Juan, 571 l,,,we. Barnal,y, 5; Malgo, nlythical voyages ol] 58 11.