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Armada, 560-585: his failure and ex- cuses, 58% Mediterranean pirates, alliance of Carausins with, 30, 31 Scots intercourse with the, 93 trade with the, 606, 610 Medrano, Don Diego, 603 Meek, Thomas, 595 Megar, William, 595 Megy, 493 Meldrum, Thomas, 597 Melendez, Don Pedro, 531 1. Melun, treaty of, 486, 501, 502 Menai Strait, Madoc said to have defeated the English in the, 308, 313; bridged, 204 Mendoza, Don Antonio Hurtado de, 602 Mercator (Gerard Cremer), 402; cited, 321 Mercator's globe, 401, 402 projection, 402 Mercer, John, 291 Merchant Adventurers, the Company of, 610, 613 Merchant Royal, 484, 485, 526, 569, 590, 651, 652 Merchant service and the navy, connection between the, 347, 348, 605 ships serving with Drake against the Armada, 590, 591 Merchants, privileges to Scots, 97; under- take the guard of the sea, 365, 366, 367 Merchantmen in consort elect their "ad- miral," 374 serving with Howard of Effingham against the Armada, 593 Mercia, 12 Mercocur, the Duc de, 502 Mercury, 423 Mer (or Merc) Honour, 423, 425 Mere Honour, 509, 513 n., 520 and n., 521, 529 Meredydd ap Rhys on Madoc, 305, 306, 308 Merick, master of the Delight, of Bristol, 638 Meridian, Wright's method of dividing the, 402 Merlin, 306, 423, 425, 580, 588, 589 Mersh, John, 346 Merton, 37 Messina, Richard I. at, 167, 168 "Meta Incognitu,” 625, 626 Mexia, Don Augustin, 573, 578 Mexican rites, traces of Christian ritual in, 65 N Mexico, Michelson makes prizes in the Gulf of, 493; story of Madoc in, 305, 307, M 308; William King's voyage to the Gulf M of, 501 Meyrick, Captain Sir Gelly, 520 and n. Michael, 222, 269, 444, 624, 625 of Dartmouth, 446 n. Michell, Robert, 131 Michelson, William, voyage of, 493, 494 Micklegarth, 96 Middelburg, 245, 256 Middleton, master of the Moonshine, 495 Gerald, 526 Henry, 656 John, 654, 656 Sir John, 391 Thomas, 597 Miguel Suso, Patax de, 598 Mildenhall, John, sent envoy to Agra, 654 "Milesian Invasion, 59 Milford, a Scots ship taken near, 357; the French land at, 363 Haven, Madoc said to have embarked at, 308; Henry VII. lands at, 393 Miller, Richard, 595 Milton, Hasting lands at, 38 Minion, 419, 423, 590, 592, 610, 619, 620 of Bristol, 595 Minions, 410, 411 Minnikin, 423 Minstrels, 146; on ship-board, 270 Miran relieves La Rochelle, 479 Miranda, Count of, 644 Mitchelburne, Captain Edward, 520 Mitchell, Richard, 596 Mobilisation of an Elizabethan fleet, rapid, 528 Mocha, Isle of, Drake at the, 631; Richard Hawkyns at the, 642 Modbury, 139 Moket, John, 131 Moleyns, Bishop Adam de, 350 n. Monaco, 236 n. Monaco," 330, 331 Moncada, Don Hugo de, 603 Monson, Admiral Sir William, 493, 502, 508, 509, 513, 519, 520, 522, 528, 529, 532-538, 589 n.; taken prisoner, 494; quoted, 485; on Drake's expedition to Corunna and the Tagus, 493 Montacute, Admiral Sir Simon de, 210 and n., 215 Admiral Sir William, 216 and u., 239 and n. Montalembert, Baron d'Essé, Andre de, 467 Montalt, Sir Robert de, 225 Montegauger, William de, 129 Montfort, Henry de, 201 Simon de, 200, 201, 202 Sir Simon, 387 Montgomeri, enterprise of Gabriel de, 479, 480 Montgomery, Admiral Sir John, 260, 261, 265, 266 Month, the naval meaning of a, 427 n. Monthermer, Sir Thomas de, 255 and n. Montmorenci, Anne de, 477 Montros, Seymour repulsed at, 468 Moon, 421, 423, 425, 520, 581 n., 588, 589 Moonshine, 495, 592, 627 Moor, Admiral Joos de, 558 n. Moore, John, 594