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Percy, Henry Lord, 255, '26: l'iombino, 167 -- Sir Henry, 300 l'ippi.,

- Sir Thomas, 2 Piracies; of Hugh le Deslncer the younger, 

Prro Mo'imt, 1101 22:4; of }/avenstein, 445; of the Flanmnds, Perth, defence ol 214, 215; iege ol; 2;11 41;, 470 Pessonel'S, 144 Piracy, 124, 131;, 3, a; in the Chrome], Pet, Al'thttr, 62; 357; in the al'B,w Seas, 17; off Mar- l',.to', :14{i, 347, 38o n. 420, 44; n. gate, French. _1., steps lbr the la'even - -- of Fowey, 427 n. ti, m ot 447; tobe acc,,unted high treason,

Pomlr{t..te, 421; 37l 

Peter, I'mrot of lh'iltany, 194 l'irates, cal,tural by Sir Henry IbMIcy, "Peter's Prt," 2 470; deliated off Brittany, English, Petersvn, Sir John, '2'2 8); internati,,nal acti{m against, Petilius Cerealis, 29 in the Mediterranean, English, ; Petit, William le, 178 Hnlland and IIainault, 215; ,f Zeeland, Peurbach, (leorg, 400 '224; threaten Berwick, -1., Pevcnsey 34; tbrtifie, l, 278 Pitched battle between English and -- Bay, William I. lands in, roans in the Chamm] 205 Pl.,lipe, La, 144 l'itcher, William, 630 PMlil, , 347 Pitt, C, hristvpher, 5 -- .d 2][try, 423 n. Ij15 Pivots tbr snmll al'lnS, 412 l'hili 1, Augustus, alliance with, 165; at- l', 1211 n. tacks Sormandy, 175: co-,,peration of Plata, }rio de la, 486 11ichard I. with, B)4, 105: threatens to lqe.ty, 120 n., _.J, _63 invade England, lSO Phmgastel, 454 Cotrot of Flanders assists Richard I., Plynmuth, 2}11, 2:13, 238, ;158, 35, :172, 11;9 448, 456, 488, 4, 49:1, 4, 503, 5O5,

Duke of Burgundy, 279 512, 517 n., 520. 526, 5;1ti, 538, 55},

--of Austria, lite detention ot; 447 56:4. 51;5, 5;8, 617, ;21, li22, I;28, 1131,

II. decides to invade England, 540: GB4, 652; Imrnt, 287; fleet assemh]e,l at, 

contemplates the 1,ossihility of hih*e, 267; ships assembled at, 285; the Black 544; his motives, 550: England's view Prince en,barks from, 274; vessels lmrnt -1' him, 55; death ol; 528 and n. ;tt, 247; tlelnces u[ 4:JG and n.; Fram.o-

1V. invades Gascony, 205 Spanish attack on 364; Venetian galley 

- --- of Spain, arrival in England oq 471, at, 356 472 Plympton. 139 Pitilip, of Dai'tmmtth 276 Point de Galle, Lancaster at, 652 Philips, Miles. 1;21) P.itiers, hattle oq 275; prismecs taken l'hilippa, the Princess, 31;li 275 Philputt, John, patriotism ol; 2ill, 21 Pdton ce, led to Englaml, 27; exl,edi/im PIm.nician t'onHnerce 55 to, 1�: and Guienne surrendered l'l,r. ix, 421 France, 227; invadt by the French, 27 Picard fishermen kidlmpl,ed by English [ Polain, Baron de la Garde, Capitainc, 452 pirates, 357 :red n., 463, 4;4, 465, 47 Picardy ravage, coast ol} :11j0 P.le, Admiral ir Michael de la, Pickards, 144 Pole, of Plymouth, 611 "Pietro," I; l'iclish invaders, :l., "Politia ('onsel'vativa Marism" 11c, 350 � ' Polyves, 146 Picts and Scots, , : Poml,onius Mela, Codex ol 401 Pierce, William, -'" Ports, Baron de, 369 Piers, .h,hn, ;14G -- Ilem'y lII. at, -- William, 2119 Ponthieu eole,I to England, 278 Pigot, Christopher, x,., 592 Pilgrim, 116 Pilgrims delay by pirates, 127 Pilots, 108 Pimentel, Don Diego 567, 578, 579 Pine's engravings of the House of Lords tapestries, 539 n. Pinkie Cleuch, battle of; 467 and n. "Pinnaces," 144 Pinnock, 120 n. Pinos action off Isla de 507, 508

Poole, 133, 223, 225, 371; burnt, 287 Spanish attack on, 365

William, 590 

Poop, 340 Pope intervenes between Edward III. and France, the, 263 Popham, Captain Sir Francis, 650, 651

 John, 563 n. 
Popingjay , 423: 
Population of England seafaring,  439
Porchester 263