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INDEX TO VOLUME 1. 691 Sandye, Thomas, 595 "Sanestol," 325, 330, 331 Sanitary carefulness of Drake, 628, 629 Sanson, 601 Santa Ana, 571 and n., 572 11., 578, 374, 585 1., 598, 599, 600; taken by Caven- dish, 638 Barbara, 600, 601 Catalina, 567, 599 bis, 602 Santa Caterina taken, 492 Cruz, the Marquis de, 488: proposes an invasion of England, 539, 540 Santa Cruz, 600 Maria del Juncal, 599 de Monte-Mayor, 598 de Vison, 600 by France, 467; resumption of war with, 475; Mary Stuart returns to, 476; French evacuation of, 476; alliance with, 486. supposed Spanish designs on, 552 Scots from Iceland visit Alfred, 61 Scots: raid upon Suffolk, 233; covertly aided by France, Flanders, Holland, Gelderland, and Norway, 237; ship taken, 239, 294; trade in the fourteenth century, decline of, 315; aggressions of the, 356; ships taken in the Bristol Channel, 357: privateers, 373: navy under James IV., 444; fleet annihilated, 467 and Picts, 9, 32 Scott, Captain Thomas, 589 Walter, 116 Santa Marta burnt, 506; sacked by Shirley, Scourge of Malice, 508, 518, 526 651 Santa Marta, 600 Santander, 458; Letters of Marque granted against, 369; Spanish fleet assembled at, 361 Santiago, 568, 571, 590 bis, 601 de Leon sacked by Preston, 651 el Mayor, 599 Santiso, Captain Juan Poza de, 579 Santo Andres, 601, 602 bis São Valentino, 535 n. Scout, 423, 125, 526, 580, 588, 589 Serope, Sir Henry, 272 Sir William, 272 of Bolton, Richard, Lord, 272 Sculls, 146 Scurvy, ravages of, 61, 629, 630, 640, 655 Seager, Adam, 590 Seals of the ports, ancient, 155, 156 Seamanship, superiority of English over Spanish, 583 Sark, seized by the French, 183: retaken, ib. Scamen, provision for disabled, 433; wages Sarkland, 95 Sarmento, Don Pedro, 631, 632, 635, 637; doubts the variation of the Needle, 401 Sauvage, William le, 126 Sauveve, 131 Savage, John, 211 Savile, Captain, 502 n. Savoisi, Charles de, 364 and n., 365, 366 Sawkell, Captain, 5:2 "Saxon" invaders, 10, 34 Saxons, 10 in Thanet, 34 Say, Admiral Sir Geoffrey, 235, 236, 237 - John, 398 Scandal-mongering to be punished, 433 Scarborough, 216; attacked, 291, 294 - ships taken by John Mercer, 201 Schuyts, 111, 112 of, 147, 202 Sea power, danger of neglecting the influence of, 90; early illustrations of the influence of, 181, 189; influence of, 230; antiquity of the doctrine of the influence of, 353; Bacon on, 353; Cicero on, 353; Ralegh on, 353; understood by Henry V., the influence of, 380 Search resisted by Prussians, the right of, 870, 371 Search, 423 Searche, Tristram, 589 Searchthrift, 615 Sea-sickness of French prisoners, 373 Seas, dominion of the, 235, 236 Secretary of the Admiralty, 115 n. Seg-boats, 144 Schwartz, Martin, landing in Lancashire of, Segontraci, 28 413 Scilly, 436 Isles, ships of the Armada driven near the, 549 and ., 557 Scot, Gilbert, 131

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1113 Scotland invaded by Athelstan, 40; Wil- liam 1. attacks, 88; war with, 163, 467: ships sent to, 213, 215; truce with, 2,224 English expedition to, 231: peace with, 231: prevention of com- munication between France and, 280: projected French feint against, 296, 297; Jean de Vienne in, 297; Gloucester leads a fleet against, 391; makes a treaty of reciprocity with Norway, 395; in 1548, ships in, 421; Warbeck in, 446; assisted Seine, English successes in the, 179; the Cinque Ports fleet victorious in the, 205; French fleet collected in the, 279: Idockaded, the, 285; Jean de Vienne retires up the, 290; English ships in the, 296 English fleet in the, 378, 875: French fleet collected in the, 462; partial action in the mouth of the, 462 Selden, and early British dominion of the Beas, 5 on Edgar's navy, 15 Sellman, Edward, 626 Seneca's prophecy of the discovery of a new world, 303 the battle of, 86, 87 Serocold, John, 592 Serpent, 486;