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Page:Roze, Nicolas. Méthode de Serpent (1830).djvu/32

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Second Exercises.

\layout {
  indent= #10
  system-count = #3
  \context { \Score \omit BarNumber }
\new Staff \relative {
  \override Staff.Rest.style = #'classical
  \clef bass \key c \major
  \time 2/4

  %{ ---- beam 4 quavers ---- %}
  \set Timing.beamExceptions = #'()
  \set Timing.baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/2)
  \set Timing.beatStructure = 1

  c8 (b c) c,-!
  d' (c d) d,-!
  \override Stem.length-fraction = #0.6
  \stemDown e' (d e) \stemUp e,-!
  \stemDown f' (e f) \stemUp f,-!
  \stemDown g' (f g) \stemUp g,-!
  \stemDown a' (g a) \stemUp a,-!
  \stemDown b' (a b) \stemUp b,-!
  \stemDown c' (b c) \stemUp c,-!
  \stemUp c8-! \stemDown c' (b c)
  \stemUp b,-! \stemDown b' (a b)
  \stemUp a,-! \stemDown a' (g a)
  \stemUp g,-! \stemDown g' (f g)
  \stemUp f,-! \stemDown f' (e f)
  \stemUp e,-! \stemDown e' (d e)
  \stemNeutral \override Stem.length-fraction = #1.0
  d,-! d' (c d)
  c,-! c' (b c)
  d,-! d' (c d)
  \override Stem.length-fraction = #0.6
  \stemUp e,-! \stemDown e' (d e)
  \stemUp f,-! \stemDown f' (e f)
  \stemUp g,-! \stemDown g' (f g)
  \stemUp a,-! \stemDown a' (g a)
  \stemUp b,-! \stemDown b' (a b)
  \stemUp c,-! \stemDown c' (b c)
  \stemDown c8 (b c) \stemUp c,-!
  \stemDown b' (a b) \stemUp b,-!
  \stemDown a' (g a) \stemUp a,-!
  \stemDown g' (f g) \stemUp g,-!
  \stemDown f' (e f) \stemUp f,-!
  \stemDown e' (d e) \stemUp e,-!
  \stemDown d' (c d) \stemUp d,-!
  \stemNeutral \override Stem.length-fraction = #1.0
  c' (b c) c,-!
  \bar ".."

\version "2.18.1"

\layout {
  system-count = #1
  \context { \Score \omit BarNumber }
\new Staff \relative {
  \override Staff.Rest.style = #'classical
  \clef bass \key c \major
  \time 2/4

  %{ ---- beam 4 quavers ---- %}
  \set Timing.beamExceptions = #'()
  \set Timing.baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/2)
  \set Timing.beatStructure = 1,1

  \override Stem.length-fraction = #0.6
  \stemDown c8^ \markup \abs-fontsize #9 {"With accidental sharps."}  (b  c) \stemUp c,-!
  \stemDown d' (cis d) \stemUp d,-!
  \stemDown e' (dis e) \stemUp e,-!
  \stemDown f'  (e  f) \stemUp f,-!
  \stemDown g' (fis g) \stemUp g,-!
  \bar ".."
  \override TextScript.extra-offset = #'(-0.5 . -4.5)

  s2 ^ \markup \left-align \abs-fontsize #8 \center-column {
    "Same,     "
    "until C."
  } \bar "" s2 \set Staff.forceClef = ##t \bar ""

  \stemDown c'8  (b  c) \stemUp c,-!
  \stemDown b' (ais b) \stemUp b,-!
  \stemDown a' (gis a) \stemUp a,-!
  \stemDown g' (fis g) \stemUp g,-!
  \bar ".."
  \override TextScript.extra-offset = #'(-0.5 . -3)
  s2 ^ \markup \left-align \abs-fontsize #9 \center-column {"etc."} \bar ""

\layout {
  system-count = #2
  ragged-last = ##t
  indent= #10
  \context { \Score \omit BarNumber }
  \context {
      \remove Staff_symbol_engraver
\new Staff \relative {
  \override Staff.Rest.style = #'classical
  \clef bass \key c \major
  \time 2/4  %{ ---- ₵ = 2/2 ?? ---- %}

  %{ ---- beam 4 quavers ---- %}
  \set Timing.beamExceptions = #'()
  \set Timing.baseMoment = #(ly:make-moment 1/2)
  \set Timing.beatStructure = 1

  c,8 (e) g-! c-!   | d, (f) b-! d-!
  e, _ "sim." g c e | f, a c f
  g, c e g          | \stemUp a, c f a
  b, d f b | \stemNeutral c, e g c | d, f b d | c g e  \override TextScript.extra-offset = #'(2 . -6) c-\markup \right-align
    \magnify #0.75 
  \pad-around #1
   \center-column { "Also two by two," "or four by four."  }
  b' g d b | a' e c a | \stemDown g' d b g
  \stemUp f' d a f | e' c g e | d' b f d |
    \override Score.BarLine.layer = 1 
    c' g e c

\version "2.20.1"

\layout {
  indent= #10
  system-count = #3
  \context { \Score \omit BarNumber }
\new Staff \relative {
  \override Staff.Rest.style = #'classical
  \clef bass \key c \major
  \time 4/4

  c,4 ^ "In four or two, at will." c'8 b a g f e | d4 d'8 c b a g f
  e4 e'8 d c b a g | f4 f'8 e d c b a
  g4 g'8 f e d c b | a4 a'8 g f e d c
  b4 b'8 a g f e d | c4 c'8 b a g f e
  d4 b'8 a g f e d | c4 a'8 g f e d c
  b4 g'8 f \stemDown e d c b | \stemNeutral a4 f'8 e d c b a
  g4 e'8 d c b a g | f4 d'8 c b a g f
  e4 c'8 b a g f e | d4 g c, r
  \bar ".."
  s1 \bar "" s1 \bar "" s1 \bar "" s1 \bar ""

\version "2.20.1"

\layout {
  system-count = #1
  \context { \Score \omit BarNumber }
\new Staff \relative {
  \override Staff.Rest.style = #'classical
  \clef bass \key c \major
  \time 2/2

  c,4. d8 e f g a | d,4. e8 f g a b
  e,4. f8 g a b c | f,4. g8 a b c d
  _ "Continue the same way up to the high F."
  g,4. a8 b c d e | a,4. b8 \stemUp c d e f
  b,4. c8 d e f g | \stemNeutral c,4. d8 e f g a
  \bar ".."

\version "2.19.80"

\layout {
  ragged-last = ##t
  indent= #30
  system-count = #1
  \context { \Score \omit BarNumber }
\new Staff \with { \remove "Time_signature_engraver" }
\relative {
  \override Staff.Rest.style = #'classical
  \clef bass \key c \major
  \time 2/2

  \override TextScript.extra-offset = #'(-23 . 7) e'4.
  - \markup \left-align
    \abs-fontsize #8
    \pad-around #1
    \center-column  {
    "This exercise is done"
    "by descending in the"
    "following manner."
  } d8 c-! b-! a-! f-! | d'4. c8 b-! a-! g-! e-!
  c'4. b8 a-! g-! f-!   \override TextScript.extra-offset = #'(23 . 6) d-!
  -\markup \right-align
   \abs-fontsize #8
   \pad-around #1
   \center-column  {
    "until the low C."
  \bar ".."