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Page:Roze, Nicolas. Méthode de Serpent (1830).djvu/36

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\version "2.20.1"
\layout {
  system-count = #6
  indent = #10
  \context { \Score \omit BarNumber }
\new ChoirStaff \with {
  systemStartDelimiter = #'SystemStartBrace
  instrumentName = "Roze."
  \new Staff
  \relative {
    \override Staff.Rest.style = #'classical
    \clef bass
    _ "Moderato."
    \key c \major
    \time 4/4
    \partial 4 g,4 ^ "Duo and Canon."
    c2 \once \stemUp d | \once \stemUp e b | c4. b16 a g4 f' | e c \once \stemUp d g,
    c c, r d' | e2 fis | g a4 d, | b'2 c4 a
    g e \stemDown c d | e8.[ d16 c8 b] \stemNeutral a4 fis'
    g8.[ fis16 e8. d16] c4 \once \stemUp d | g, g'2 fis4
    g8. a16 b4 c a8. c16 | b4 g a d,
    g g,2 fis4
    g8-! a-! b-! c-! a-! b-! c-! d-! | b4 g'2 fis4
    g8. f16 ees4 d \once \stemDown c | b c f8[ d] ees c
    g2 b4 c | f8 d ees c f d ees! c
    g4. g8 g4 r | g'4. e8 g (f d) g-! | c,2 \once \stemUp d_+ | \once \stemUp e b
    c4._+ b16 a g4 f' | e4.-+ d16 c \once \stemUp d4 g,
    c4 c'2 b8. b16 | c4 \once \stemDown c, d8 e f g | e4 a, b g
    c f g f | e a g g, | c2 r4 g8. g16 | \once \stemDown c4 e d g8. g16
    \once \stemUp e4 c8. c16 b4 g | \once \stemDown c e d g8. g16 | c,2 c | c c | c1
    \bar ".."
    s1 \bar "" s1 \bar ""
  \new Staff
  \relative {
    \override Staff.Rest.style = #'classical
    \clef bass \key c \major
    \time 4/4
    \partial 4 r4
    r2 r4 g, | c2 \once \stemUp d | e b | c4.-+ b16 a g4 f'
    e c \once \stemUp d g, | c c, r d' | e2 fis | g a4 d,
    b'2 c4 a | g e \once \stemDown c d | e8.[ d16 c8. b16] a4 fis'
    g8.[ fis16 e8. d16] c4 \once \stemUp d | g, g'2 fis4
    g8. a16 b4 c a | b g a d,
    g4 g,2 fis4 | g8 a b c a b c d | b4 g'2 fis4
    g8. f16 ees4 \once \stemUp d c | b c \stemUp f8[ d] ees c | g2 b4 c
    \stemNeutral f8 d ees c f d ees c | g4. g8 g4 r
    g'4. e8 g (f d) g-! | \once \stemDown c,2 d-+ | \once \stemUp e b_+
    c4. b16 a g4 g'
    e4.-+ \stemDown d16 c \once \stemUp d4 \stemNeutral g, | c c'2 b8. b16
    c4 c, d8 e f g | e4 a, b g | c f, g g
    c,2 r | r4 c'8. c16 b4 g
    \once \stemDown c4 e8. e16 d4 g8. g16 | e4 c8. c16 b4 g8. g16
    c,8 c' g e c c' g e | c4 r c'2 | c,2 r
    \bar ".."
    s1 \bar "" s1 \bar ""