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Page:Roze, Nicolas. Méthode de Serpent (1830).djvu/53

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\version "2.20.1"

\layout {
  %system-count = #5
  indent = #10
  \context {
    \omit BarNumber
\new ChoirStaff \with {
  systemStartDelimiter = #'SystemStartBrace
  \new Staff
  \with { \magnifyStaff #0.9 }
  \relative {
    \override Staff.Rest.style = #'classical
    \clef bass
    \key g \major
    \time 3/8
    \tempo "Allegro moderato."
    g8 b4~ | b8 d g, | fis a4~ | a8 d fis, | e g4~ | g8 b e,
    d8 fis4~ | fis8 b d, | \stemDown c e4~ | e8 g c, | b d4~ | d8 g b
    d4.~ | d8 b g
    \stemUp d8 b g | d'4 r8 | \stemNeutral cis'4. | d | g, | fis16 a d cis b a
    gis4. | a | g! | fis8 g a | b4. | a8 cis d | b g a | d,4 r8
    r8 r a' | d4 fis8 | e cis r | cis4 e8 | d b r | b4 d8
    cis8 a r | a4 cis8 | b g r | g4 b8 | a16 b a g fis8
    d'8 d, cis'
    \override Stem.length-fraction = #0.65
    b \stemUp b, \stemDown a'
    g \stemUp g, \stemDown fis'
    e \stemUp e, \stemDown d' \stemNeutral
    \override Stem.length-fraction = #1
    \once \stemDown cis8 a'4~ | a8 fis b~ | b e, g~ | g e a~ | a d, fis~
    fis d g~ | g cis, e~ | e cis fis~ | fis b, dis | e fis g
    a16 fis b8 a | g e'4~ | e8( dis) b | d( cis) a | c!( b) g
    b8( ais) fis-! | a!( gis) e-! | g! fis e
    dis4. | e | fis | g | a | ais | b8 fis dis
    b8 b b | b b b | b4. \fermata _ "Segue (Fugue)" \bar ".."
  \new Staff
  \with { \magnifyStaff #0.9 }
  \relative {
    \override Staff.Rest.style = #'classical
    \clef bass
    \key g \major
    \time 3/8
    g4 d16 b | g8. a16[ b c] | d8 fis e | d4 dis8 | e4 b16 g
    e8. fis16[ g a] | b8 d cis | b4 b8 | c c c | c e fis
    g8 d b g4 r8 | r d' fis | g4 r8
    d8 b g | d4 r8 | a''8 g16 fis e g | fis e d e fis d
    e16 d cis a b cis | d4.~ | d8 e d | cis b a | b4 cis8
    d16[ cis] b8 a | g8 g'4 | fis8 e d | b g a | d,4 r8
    d'8 fis4~ | fis8 a d, | \once \stemDown cis8 e4~ | e8 a cis, | b \stemUp d4~
    d8 fis b, | a cis4~ | cis8 fis a, | g b4~ | b8 d g,
    fis8 a d | \override Stem.length-fraction = #0.7
      \stemUp b \stemDown b' a \stemNeutral
      \override Stem.length-fraction = #1
    g4 fis8 | e4 d8 | cis4 b8
    a4 cis8 d4 dis8 | e4. | cis | \once \stemUp d | b | cis | ais
    \override Stem.length-fraction = #0.75
      \stemUp b8 \stemDown b' a \stemNeutral
      \override Stem.length-fraction = #1
    g8 fis e | dis cis b | e8 e16 fis g a | b4 b8
    gis8 a r | fis g r
    e8 fis r | dis e r | ais,4. | b8. c!16 b a | g8 gis[ a]~
    a8 ais[ b]~ | b b[ c!]~ | c a[ g]
    \override Stem.length-fraction = #0.65
      \stemUp fis8 \stemDown fis' e \stemNeutral
      \override Stem.length-fraction = #1
    dis8 fis dis | b b b | b b b | b4. \fermata
    \bar ".."

\version "2.20.1"

\layout {
  system-count = #2
  indent = #15
  \context {
    \omit BarNumber
\new ChoirStaff \with {
  systemStartDelimiter = #'SystemStartBrace
  instrumentName = \markup {
    \column {
      " "
  \new Staff
  \with { \magnifyStaff #0.9 }
  \relative {
    \override Staff.Rest.style = #'classical
    \clef bass
    \key e \minor
    \time 4/2  % "C"
    \tempo "Larghetto."
    R \breve * 4 | b1 ais2 b4. c8 | d1 cis
    b2 cis4. d8 e2 d | cis fis, b2. a4
    g4. fis8 g4. a8 b4. a8 g4. fis8
    e2 e'1 dis2 | e2. d4 cis4. a8 b4. cis8    
  \new Staff
  \with { \magnifyStaff #0.9 }
  \relative {
    \override Staff.Rest.style = #'classical
    \clef bass
    \key e \minor
    \time 4/2
    e1 dis2 e4. fis8 | g1 fis | e2 fis4. g8 a2 g
    fis2 b, e1 | d!4. \once \stemDown cis8 d4. e8 fis4. e8 d4. cis8
    b2 b'1 ais2
    b,4 b'2 a4 g4. e8 fis4. gis8 | a4. g!8 fis4. e8 dis2 r
    e1 dis2 e4. fis8 | g1 fis | e2 fis4. gis8 a2. g!4