Page:Rude Stone Monuments.djvu/562

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200; in Orkneys at Stennis; bowl-shaped, 243; find, 24 ; Sandwick, ib.; conoid barrows, ib.; find, ib.; of what race the barrows, 243-4; see Maes-Howe; little barrows by thousands in Orkneys, of what race, 249; Halldan's barrow, 250; Danish Royal barrow, ib.; Long barrow at Lethra, 282; and at West Kennet, 284; whose grave, 283; date. 285; explored by Thurnam, 283; find there, 285; inference from, 286-9; post-Roman, 286; long barrow at Wiskehärad in Halland, 288; what it marks, ib.; long barrows post-Roman, 289; ship barrows, 291-2; numerous in East France, 327; holed chambers in long barrows at Kerlescant and Rodmarton, 357.

Barry's 'Views in Orkneys, 241.

Bartlow Hills barrow, 36; elevation, 14, 83.

Bas Lowe, Arthur's table, 137.

Basin, flat-bottomed, mysterious, 216-7.

Bassas, Arthur's battle on, 136.

Bateman, Messrs., diggings by, 138, 140-4; finds at Benty Grange, 145; and at Kenslow barrow, ib.; overlook monuments at Stanton Drew, 146.

Bateman, Mr., explores Arbor Lowe, 357; his and author's remarks on finds by, 13-4.

Bath, see Battles.

Battles.—Arthur's, 12, 135 et seq; Ashdown, 122; Aylesford, 119; Badbury, 87; Badon Hill, 86; place of Arthur's last battle disputed, 86-7; Banbury Hill, date of, 109; Banesdon, 87; Bath, 87; Battlemoss, Yarhouse, 526; Braavalla, 188, 280-2 ; Deorham, 88; Kongsbacka, 279; Moytura, South and North, 176 et seq.; Rollright, 126.

Battlefields marked by megalithic remains, 14.

Battlestones in Scotland, 240, 272; Kirkliston, 272.

Bauta stones, 60, 272.

Bazinas in North Afiica, 397-8.

Beaumont-sur-Oise, find at, 339.

Beckhampton avenue, 64; position of stone, 98.

Bede, his division of Kent explained, 121.

"Beds" of Diarmid and Graine, 225.

Behring's Straits route of peoplers of America, 516.

Beira dolmens, 378.

Belgæ, absence of dolmens amongst, 302; their pre-dolmen immigration into Britain, 323-4; Belgæ or Firbolgs in Ireland, 176.

Belgaum, altars and tables at, 467.

Belgians, erroneous statement of interments at Kit's Cotty House, 119.

Bellovesus, his invasion of Italy, 327.

Benares, style of architecture at, 412.

Benty Grange barrow, 144. See Derbyshire.

Beowulf's poem contains incidents of Saxon burials, 120; Beowulf's victory over Wurm, ib.; his interment, ib.; his helmet, 145; his verses on Knock na Rea, 185.

Bernard, Commandant, his description of enormous dolmen at Tiaret, 397.

Bertrand, Alexander, attacks Celtic origin of megalithic monuments, 254.

Bertrand, M., 6; his essay upon dolmens, 324; his theory as to migration of dolmen race, 378-9, 407; as to builders in North Africa, 403.

Betal or Vetal, worship of, 467.

Bhils, Coles, Gonds and Toda, non-progressive tribes in India, 459; their tenacity to usages, ib.

Bilithons, 435.

Birck, dolmen enclosed in square. 307.

Biria the hag, 231; monastery, 231 note, Biscay dolmens, 378.

Bits of Bridle, 81, 304. See Stukeley.

Blaine, Mr. D. R., his notes and sketch of dolmen at Kafr er Wàl, 441.

Blair, Dr., engraves Carnac, 350.

Blenda, Swedish heroine, her victory, 291.

Bluestones, if part of Stonehenge, 97; whence the stones, 108; story explained, 108-9, See Sarsens, "Bluetooth," 296.

Boece and Fordun, their fables, 134.

Boinn, wife of Nechtan, 212; "her small hound" buried with her, ib.

Bollandists' work silent as to Buddhism, 505.

Bona, circle near, 405; dolmen, 532.

Bonstetten, cited, 308, 379; map, 324; according to, no dolmen in Poland, 301.

Borlase cited as to Boscawen circles, 160.

Borrow mentions monument at Arroyolos, 377.

Borther Lowe, find at, 12.

Boscawen, 160. See Circles.

Boucher de Perthes, collection by, 16.

Bouie's survey of New Grange, 204.

Bousquet, dolmen of, 46, 49.

Boyne, monuments on, 200, 290; burials, 212.

Braavalla Heath battle, 280-2. See Battle-fields.

Brachenbyr dolmen, 46, 49.

Brahmins, their domination in India, 459.

Breas' invasion of Ireland and defeat, 187.

Brest Menhir, 58.

Brigantes join Silures, 381.

British chiefs massacred by Hengist, where, 106.

British isles described by Diodorus, 8; not more prosperous before Roman invasion than in 5th century, 114-5; Spaniards, Silures, settle in, 383.

British Rude Stone Monuments, how