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‘I don’t know you, Darya Mihailovna, and so I can’t dislike you. You have a splendid house; but I will confess to you frankly I don’t like to have to stand on ceremony. And I haven’t a respectable suit, I haven’t any gloves, and I don’t belong to your set.’

‘By birth, by education, you belong to it, Mihailo Mihailitch! vous êtes des notres.

‘Birth and education are all very well, Darya Mihailovna; that’s not the question.’

‘A man ought to live with his fellows, Mihailo Mihailitch! What pleasure is there in sitting like Diogenes in his tub?’

‘Well, to begin with, he was very well off there, and besides, how do you know I don’t live with my fellows?’

Darya Mihailovna bit her lip.

‘That’s a different matter! It only remains for me to express my regret that I have not the honour of being included in the number of your friends.’

‘Monsieur Lezhnyov,’ put in Rudin, ‘seems to carry to excess a laudable sentiment—the love of independence.’