Page:Rudin - a novel (IA rudinnovel00turgrich).pdf/192

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understandings, or even to the possibilities of such a scene as took place yesterday at dinner? Sergeï Pavlitch, tell me yourself, is it?’

Volintsev folded his arms on his chest, as though he were trying to hold himself in.

‘Sergei Pavlitch!’ Rudin continued, ‘I have given you pain, I feel it—but understand us—understand that we had no other means of proving our respect to you, of proving that we know how to value your honour and uprightness. Openness, complete openness with any other man would have been misplaced; but with you it took the form of duty. We are happy to think our secret is in your hands.’

Volintsev gave vent to a forced laugh.

‘Many thanks for your confidence in me!’ he exclaimed, ‘though, pray observe, I neither wished to know your secret, nor to tell you mine, though you treat it as if it were your property. But excuse me, you speak as though for two. Does it follow I am to suppose that Natalya Alexyevna knows of your visit, and the object of it?’

Rudin was a little taken aback.